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View Full Version : VU+ App Ignores Parental Control

30-04-13, 12:32
I have a VU+ Solo2 using ViX with AutoBouques and I have set up parental control on the Adult section.

This works fine on the Solo2 when viewed through the TV and will only display the channels if the correct PIN is entered.

If you use the VU+ app on an iPad then it ignores the parental control and just displays the channel.

Hope I posted this in the correct place.

30-04-13, 12:48
Hi Loon

Have you tried hiding the channels and/or adult section on the Solo2 and then restarting the VU app

30-04-13, 14:18
If I hide the channels in the Autobouquet then they do not appear on the VU+ app, but this is not parental control, this is just not having the channels on the box in the first place.

Parents should know that the parental control on the box only controls the channels viewed on the TV. They won't want their kids going off to their bedroom and watching adult channels on their iPad, whether by accident or on purpose.

30-04-13, 19:20
Ok mate, sorry i can't be of much more use atleast my temporary measure works then!!

30-04-13, 19:28
If you report the issue on this thread (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?26418-Vu-Player-for-Android-now-available-on-Google-Play&p=196969&viewfull=1#post196969), the author of the app might have more of a chance of seeing it.

30-04-13, 20:03
Yeah, your temporary measure is good thanks lgleave22.

I will report it to that thread thanks Judge.