View Full Version : Do we not like open pli anymore?

03-10-10, 23:27
I've noticed from the arrival of the vix image people are jumping from the opli image. I'm still using the opli image (the misses is used to the gui, so i'm reluctant to change) Can some tell me why I should change?

03-10-10, 23:55
backup your opli image then try vix image m8 and see how it goes

04-10-10, 00:14
I like OpenPli the best, it's clean and you can customize from scratch and it's updated every day.

04-10-10, 00:24
I like PLI a lot.

The thing that clinched it for me with ViX is the pause and resume working properly, including on my downloaded MKV files. No more having to use number buttons, no more audio disappearing.

I gave it a try out of curiosity and that became a deal breaker for me.

Nothing wrong with PLi though and if they sorted out their media playback side of things, personally I don't think there would be that much between them.

Some people who like customising and constantly trying out new packages etc might find they prefer PLi in my opinion, but ViX is great for those that want something where packages are tested/coded etc to integrate with the image without hassle.

That's my take on things (short explanation as I'm tired)

04-10-10, 06:28
I like OpenPli the best, it's clean and you can customize from scratch and it's updated every day.

VIX 1.1 is now getting online updates too, not daily, but as bugs are found updates are pushed to the feed.

04-10-10, 09:00
I was on PLi for 4 years because it was simply designed, not fussy, stable and later had good updating but recently switched to VIX and I have to say I find it excellent.
It has the look and feel of a top class service providers box and I hated the images that tried to do too much and suffered because of it, VIX starts with the basics and gets them right first.
The bonus for me on VIX was the epg / autotimer, the best thing about VIX is the team working on it.
If you have an issue (and dont throw a tantrum) a simple well writen post here gets an excellent response from the guys on VIX Team.

As MART says take a half hour, do a backup and give VIX a try. If you like PLi you will definitely like VIX.
If there are any special / unusual features you like in PLi check that they are on VIX first.


04-10-10, 13:54
Thanks I'll do a backup and give it a go. Just one thing is there a file where the sat freq are stored so that i can save it and ftp it to Vix image,so don't have to do a complete service scan again?

04-10-10, 14:46
I used PLi all the time ... i tried the ViX (lot of hard work done by the guys on this forum) ... so tried it Liked it ....stuck with it !!! Good ,quick support ...i just like everything about it !!
Keep up the great work Guys