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View Full Version : db800 hd pvr ?

03-10-10, 19:59
hi everyone
quick question can you record one channel while whaching another with this box please advise

03-10-10, 22:03
You posted in the DM8000 sections, did you mean the DM8000? If so yes.

03-10-10, 22:47
if you meant the DM-8000 then yes you can record one channel while watching another as it has more than one tuner card, if however you meant the DM-800 then no as it only has a single tuner card there fore it can not tune into more than one transponder stream at any one time.

04-10-10, 10:07
Just a quick clarification on pheonix's post...

With the dm8000, then as long as you have a feed in to both tuners, then yes you can record more than 1 channel...

With the dm800 (and dm8000 with only 1 feed), you can record more than 1 channel, as long as it is on the same transponder... (any channels you can record whilst recording another will be white, channels you cannot record or watch will be grey...)