View Full Version : vix 1.1 image problem

03-10-10, 09:42
i have had this image on for a while now, and my signal quality is showing as pretty poor, i am on a twin dark gold lnb, i have a eagle box upstairs and my vu+duo downstairs now on my signal quality on my eagle is showing in the 90s on both snr and agc, now on my vu+ downsdtairs it is showing as snr 74, agc 84, i have put the right long and lat in and manually scanned the transponders, i have even put the right transponder stuff from lyngsat, sonow iam stuck with what the problemis,why i am getting low signals on my vu+

03-10-10, 10:19
i have had this image on for a while now, and my signal quality is showing as pretty poor, i am on a twin dark gold lnb, i have a eagle box upstairs and my vu+duo downstairs now on my signal quality on my eagle is showing in the 90s on both snr and agc, now on my vu+ downsdtairs it is showing as snr 74, agc 84, i have put the right long and lat in and manually scanned the transponders, i have even put the right transponder stuff from lyngsat, sonow iam stuck with what the problemis,why i am getting low signals on my vu+

It's not shure that the both boxes must show the same SNR and AGC, it can differ between two simular boxes too. The only way to find out the real signal is to test with an instrument.
You can also try to change place withe the two boxes to see if theres a differ on the two connections