View Full Version : Record light not showing on box front panel display

10-04-13, 20:46
Can Any one telling what setting I need to change for the red record symbol to be displayed on the box front window display.

I had it working but I changed from Black hole to Vix image and it does not work now, The recording itself is fine.

11-04-13, 09:50
Can Any one telling what setting I need to change for the red record symbol to be displayed on the box front window display.

I had it working but I changed from Black hole to Vix image and it does not work now, The recording itself is fine.

I,ve mentioned this in the past and got no answers, the REC light on the VFD appears to be very hit and miss, i find sometimes it comes on but mainly not. Never found solution.. Good luck.

11-04-13, 12:14
Mine only comes on when recording on both tuners, same on my Solo2

13-04-13, 16:02
I have noticed the "record" light works if I ma recording from EPG but not if I press record when I have the channel on display. it's not big deal, I was just curious.
I note you have a solo two. I am new to this area and the duo was my first purchase. I need a 2nd box. I was looking at the VU+ Solo2.

Is this the solo model you have, if so how would you compare it to the duo ?

14-04-13, 00:40
You are changing the subject by your question, please start new thread and I will willing answer your question