View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Vu+ Solo2 losing sound after a period of time, channel change usually recovers

08-04-13, 10:46
I have a couple of new Vu+ Solo2 boxes, so far loving them, insanely fast and pretty stable from the off which is great!

The only issue I'm having, is I'm losing sound.
I have no idea what's causing it, as it has not happened whilst I've been watching!
After a period of up-time, I will turn on the TV and the last channel the solo2 was on will have video but no sound.
If I change to BBC HD, the sound will come back and then consequently be ok for all channel changes there-on after.

It must be something related to the box being on for a period of time because I've noticed it happen quite a few times now and its only after returning to use the box.

I have 2 brand new solo2's , ordered a few weeks apart, so I think its safe to rule out an issue with the hardware (unless its affecting all boxes).

I didn't notice it until after the first 2 days, that may be coincidence or perhaps I enabled a new feature that the box isn't quite happy with. Come to think of it, it might coincide with me turning on the permanent time-shift feature!?

08-04-13, 10:50
I use PTS all the time & don't have this issue.
Do you have any crash logs generated in /home/root/logs/ ?

08-04-13, 10:53
Oh, damn, I was kinda hoping it was PTS to be honest cos now I'm out of idea's.
I just checked for logs and there's nothing there.

08-04-13, 11:14
After a period of up-time, I will turn on the TV and the last channel the solo2 was on will have video but no sound.

Perhaps it is the TV, as it was set to off while havin the box on.

Only thing you could also check, is audio settings?
Do you have 3d audio enebled and which settings do you use?


08-04-13, 11:59
All my equipment goes through a HDMI equipped AMP so the TV is always on HDMI1 and the AMP does all the switching.

I had a QBoxHD Mini in place before the Solo2 which didn't suffer the same problem, so I think it must be new software & features attributed to the newer Enigma builds.

I did have 3D audio turned on, so I have just turned that off as its a new setting since the QBox, only problem is, it won't be obvious for a few days if its fixed or not as I haven't found a way to force the problem to occur.

11-04-13, 11:03
Not seen the issue for a few days now, so it may well have had something to do with the 3D Sound Setting.

26-09-13, 19:57
I have the same problem. I come back home at night and the the sound is not working. I end up rebooting the box to recover sound.

I will try switching to BBC HD as per earlier post to test that element, but either way its a problem.

Any sugestions ?

26-09-13, 21:12
I have the same issue using VIX 733 on solo2.

No sound after a period in standby. It comes back after a few channel changes. I'm using HDMI 3D sound setting.

26-09-13, 21:27
I too have the same problem, has been that way for ages.

I find changing the audio stream fixes it without needing a reboot

06-10-13, 15:48
Yes, I've also found now that changing the audio channel corrects it but I'm not sure why it is changing on its own.

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