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View Full Version : rytec EPG importer on UR image?

05-04-13, 14:58
Hi all, big fat newbie here. I've been trying to put the rytec EPG on my stb and have followed your instructions provided and from what i can see all is ok bar 1 problem.. When I telnet this command,

Code:ipkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-xmltvimport_1.0-r20_mipsel.ipk

it says 'Invalid magic, segmentation fault'.. So when i follow the rest of the info to press blue and yellow for access to the plugin it isnt there?

Am I doing something wrong?

All help grreatly appreciated :)


07-04-13, 14:20
Have you copied the file to TMP Folder on box? then in telnet session type
cd tmp, then type, ipkg install *.ipk

Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2

07-04-13, 21:23
hi bosvelt, I've just tried it your way and still getting the same outcome. I have also tried it with this version : enigma2-plugin-extensions-xmltvimport_1.0-r36_mipsel.ipk as i read that the file could have been corrupted on the download but it still says the same 'invalid magic'.

abu baniaz
07-04-13, 21:50
Why not try the WOS image? You will just need to update your rytec sources.

07-04-13, 21:59
Would changing the image affect anything else on the stb? This is my first box and havent messed about with images before, it came with the UR image already on it.

07-04-13, 22:50
Yes, different image you would have to reinstall other files, as mentioned by Abu why not try the wos image, it's all part of learning..lol

Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2