View Full Version : vu duo - dish turns middle of night

05-04-13, 09:15
Hi All

Hasnt happened for a while (least i dont think it has anyway) but my motorised dish turns during the night at approx 4am - waking me up

I have checked all power timer settings and epg download settings and nothing is due to kick in until after 7am - cross epg is only set to download for sky uk too

everything else is perfect but i have a feeling my neighbour might complain to be if this continues as he has recently moved back into his house

Motor is pretty loud at 4am

im on build 569 vix
using a tm motor

iv checked everything on the vu duo cant seem to see why it is moving - sometimes i wake up and its still on 28.2 other times it has moved to 0 :confused:

do you think it may be the motor and not the receiver?

cheers lads

05-04-13, 10:28
Firstly I would check your and see if you have any recordings set that you are not aware of, otherwise best options is to start again from scratch. Should only take about 10 minutes to reinstall firmware and reset your dish settings, do not use the backup feature, must be a fresh install.

05-04-13, 12:55
Have you set Auto bouquet to download automatically or cross EPG? I think it's 1 of those moving the dish in order to complete its task.

Sent using sorcery and the magic interwebs

05-04-13, 16:36
Thanks for the reply guys

I have checked cross epg and only have one epg ticked and that is sky uk

I will check auto bouquet - iv heard of it but not sure i use it - but i will check tonight

If i cant sort it i will start again from scratch

thanks for your suggestions


10-04-13, 17:01
Thanks for the reply guys

I have checked cross epg and only have one epg ticked and that is sky uk

I will check auto bouquet - iv heard of it but not sure i use it - but i will check tonight

If i cant sort it i will start again from scratch

thanks for your suggestions


Did you manage to sort your problem out?

Rob van der Does
10-04-13, 18:22
Sky using Open-TV? If so, the box will tune to a 28.2E channel.
At what time does Cross get active?

11-04-13, 07:48
Hi lads

Iv just had to revert to turning box off manually at the switch at the moment until I have time to reflash and start from scratch

I'm using open tv 28.2 only - removed auto bouquet maker - set epg to download daily at 11am but still this dish turns at 3.45am - woke me up the other night and I checked my phone for time

Seems to like 19.2 too now aswell

I only ever set timers for sky uk so it's not turning to record either

I will maybe reflash this wknd and reports back - once all the football is over ;-)


Rob van der Does
11-04-13, 09:41
Not helping you, but how come your motor makes such a noise?

11-04-13, 10:40
I don't think it's so much much the motor - it's a tm2300 super - not the best I know but it hasn't caused me any issues

Doesn't help my walls are made if paper either lol

11-04-13, 10:44
I'm going to reflash tonight when I get home

Iv got everything ready now all prepared - USB stick, files and laptop all prepared

Shouldn't take me too long - I will report back in morning

Thanks all

12-04-13, 08:22
Hi all

Update - at a loss now

Dud complete fresh install - no backup

Havnt installed anything but bouquets, picons and cache flush

Dish still turned last night - only open tv 28.2 selected. 😕

Rob van der Does
12-04-13, 08:37
Did you enable Cross's Open-TV? If so:
1- At what time;
2- Please disable it and see if the issue happens again.

12-04-13, 08:56
Yes mate

Cross epg set to open tv 28.2 - to download at 7.30am

I will turn download off tonight and report back


13-04-13, 08:41
Hi lads

Turned off epg download but still the dish turned

Do you think it's the motor and not the duo?


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Rob van der Does
13-04-13, 08:52
I can't imagine the motor has a life of it's own. But I'm out of ideas.
No EPG-refresh? No ABM autoscan?

13-04-13, 11:18
Not sure about your motor but on my dark motor you can reset it by holding down the east and west buttons at the same time for around 5 seconds with the coax unattached maybe worth checking your manual. Maybe worth a try

13-04-13, 13:41

I'm using epg auto refresh - I will turn that off

I'm not knowingly using ABM - it's not a plugin I have installed and can't find any settings for it

I have turned auto refresh off and I will see what happens


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Rob van der Does
14-04-13, 18:30
I'm using epg auto refresh
That must be the reason then.
I hope...........

16-04-13, 08:52
Hi all

Still trying some settings changes on the epg, refersh, download etc

Seemed to be ok last night - I'm going to leave again tonight and see if it has stopped

Will update

Cheers all

16-04-13, 10:56
Just on the motor noise issue, I've had a gbsat HH100 for about 5 years now, same as the stab and it's quiet as a mouse and never had to touch it

19-04-13, 11:16

Turned all epg updates/saves and anything else I could find off and dish still moving

Iv reverted to setting a deep standby power timer at 2am and then a timer at 7am to wake into standby ready for eps download set for 7.30

This seemed to work last night and will see what happens tonight

Thanks all