View Full Version : vu+ dongle setup ?

02-04-13, 19:49
hi all, just like to say thanks to WOS for excellent service. Ordered vu+ dongle and was sent email stating that they were out of stock and awaiting delivery. Was then sent another five emails over a four day period keeping me informed about shipment status. Strange thing is, probably had less contact with soliciter when buying house, and that was alot more than 28 quid. Keep up the good service guys. Anyway, tried to get it working but without joy. Was determined to do it without help, after all "how hard can it be"?

On last attempt i did a network test, and results were
wlan connection- ok
wireless connected-ok
dhcp enabled-ok
ip address -unconfirmed

settings were
use interface-yes
use dhcp-yes
hidden network-no
network name-tp link
encpyption-wpa or wpa2
encryption key-111122223333

dongle is in front usb port of uno running version 3.0, build 554
any help would be appreciated as the wife is fed up with cable running through living and dining room :rolleyes:

02-04-13, 20:16
Is that your actual key ?
Also I find it works best when you select just WPA2, and keep it in the front port of the UNO, that's the only way I can get it to work well.

02-04-13, 20:26
no mate just a made up one, already got it in front port and only reason set to wpa or wpa2 is that i did a search for similar probs and saw a reply which advised to do so. But will give your one a go and let you know. thanks for your time

02-04-13, 21:54
No joy with wap2 only Donnie, in fact it wasn't showing any connection at all. It shows connection on "wpa" and "wpa or wpa2". Also noticed that when dongle is inserted and interface turned on the screen developes a pulse and slightly jumps every 5 seconds or so. Not sure where to go from here but will try different stuff and search forum again. cheers Donnie

12-04-13, 13:50
had a similar problem, see here...

14-04-13, 11:56
hi roy, thanks for your input. Tried your tip of changing wireless encryption settings but in my router settings there is no wpa-psk only
wpa personal
wpa2 personal
wpa enterprise
wpa2 enterprise
been messing with all these settings for a couple of hours now and when on "network status" it shows everything connected for about a minute, then it diconnects for five seconds and then reconnects. Just sits in a constant loop doing this, and all the time this is going on the picture on the screen keeps pulsing every 5 to 10 seconds (not sure whether this is causing harm to uno). The only other thing i can add is that i put dongle into laptop and turned off internal wifi and went into settings and turned on dongle, then went on internet and was actually veiwing web via dongle. So does this prove that the dongle does actually connect to router ? If this is the case, why does it not work on uno ? :confused: would assume this is something simple, just not sure what.