View Full Version : [ET5x00] What's the diff between image manager and back up manager

02-04-13, 18:23
Evening can someone explain the diff between the two I have had a few issues recent as in my posts and its working perfect down I just want to make sure all my current settings etc are kept thank you

02-04-13, 18:27
Image Manager creates a full 1 to 1 backup of your entire image with all plugins and setting, this is then flashed back to the receiver in the same way as any standard image via USB

Backup Manager creates a backup of your settings, bouquets, plugins and any other files or folders you choose, this can then be restored either during the initial FIW ( First install wizard ) of a new image or via the Backup manager panel at any time.

02-04-13, 19:15
Thank you for your help I understand now thanks Pheonix