View Full Version : sly card in vu duo

hav it
02-10-10, 10:15
how do i use my sly card in vu duo.... many thanks

02-10-10, 10:39
You need to download and install CCCAM from here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?5921-Cams-for-ViX-Team-images and than FTP a cccam.CFG file to the box.
For the card to be read you need the box and than need to enter this into the CFG file. If you search the web for boxkey, you will find how to do it, its such a long time since I did it I cant recall.
You need to enter the box key in the CFG like this depending on which slot you put your card in.

card reader /dev/sci0
BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 XX XX XX XX
card reader /dev/sci1
BOXKEY: /dev/sci1 XX XX XX XX

Vix does not have the CFG file and post 9 here explains how to do it.


If you do not have premium channels ie movies and sport than you do not need the box key just install CCCAM and FTP a config file to the box and it will read it for you.

hav it
02-10-10, 10:49
is the box key my sly reciver box key or the vu box ?

02-10-10, 10:55
is the box key my sly reciver box key or the vu box ?

the box key is from your sky box.

02-10-10, 11:53
Step by step guide, presuming you have an FTP program on your PC and know how to use it, and that you simply want to use your sly card in your VUduo and not do anything dodgy.

1) Work out your box key

On the back of your sly box is a 17 digit number

Ignore the first 6 and the last 1 number, that gives you a 10 digit number.

For example, if your 17 digit code is


You would ignore the first 6 (1E2005) and the last one (8)
which would leave you with the 10 digit number 0685845674

google for a hex convertor (or use your calc if it has one),place the 10 digit number in and convert it to Hex.

The above example would give 28E12CAA which is your box key entered as (note the spaces)

BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 28 E1 2C AA

If your box key turns out at only 7 characters add a 0 (zero) to the beginning of the number to make it 8 characters long. 2) Install CCCam2.1.4 (something like Menu, Plugins, Download plugins, cams)

3) On your PC create a text file called CCcam and enter the following two lines

BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 12 34 AB CD
/dev/sci0 is presuming you are using the top slot for your Sly card.

Type it exactly as in the above, case sensitive, replacing "12 34 AB CD" with your box key.

save the file.

4) You will now have a file called CCcam.txt which needs to be changed to CCcam.cfg

Start Windows Explorer (Start, All Programs, Accessories, Windows Explorer) then click on "Documents"

Click on the "Organise" tab followed by "Folder and Search Options"

Click on the "View" tab and untick the box to the left of "Hide extensions for known file types"

Click "OK"

Right click on your newly created CCcam.txt file, select "rename", highlight the txt and change it to cfg

You will get a warning message saying something along the lines of "If you change file types, file might become unusable, are you sure..." click "Yes"

5) FTP your newly created CCcam.cfg file to the /etc directory on your VUduo box.

6) Shut down your VUduo box, insert your Sly card into the top slot (I made the mistake of thinking I had the top slot but as I was looking at the box from above, I actually had the lower slot, so double check)

7) Power up your VUduo box.

8) Menu, Setup, Softcam/ci

Softcam Setup

If there's nothing after "Active cam"

Select Cam: CCcam2.1.4

Press green button to start it.

Press blue button to autostart it

You are done. It should now automatically start every time you reboot and you should now have access to your channels.

07-10-10, 21:10

I've followed these instructions and am having problems accessing the premium channels such as Sky1 etc. In most cases the picture's just black and sometimes I get a message saying "Service not found. SID not found in PAT". I can see that CCcam is started and set to auto restart.

Any ideas?


07-10-10, 21:35
Just a tip:
If you want to make the above CCcam.cfg file, then use notepad in windows.

After entering your info (above post), then go to "Save As"
(I normally select to save on the "desktop" so the file is easy to find, and to drag and drop via ftp etc)

To save as the correct .cfg file instead of a .txt file then press the drop down "Save As Type" (which will be set too TEXT DOCUMENTS (*.txt)
And select "all files (*.*)"
Name your file CCcam.cfg and it will be correctly saved to your desktop!

07-10-10, 22:33
The file itself seems fine mate. I used textpad and file extension is correct.

08-10-10, 00:07
had my bouquets messed up proper. Reflashed the image and setup everything from scratch and it's all up and running now. Practice makes perfect eh :)

next is configuring epgs, skins etc.

09-10-10, 17:31
Thanks for the help on this

one thing i found out just to help ppl is you dont need to search for a hex converter your windows calculator will convert it too all you do is go to calc switch to scientific calc then type in your 11 didgit serial number then click on hex and hey prestow its in hex

20-10-10, 14:18
Hey guys,

Do you need to put the Sly card back in the Sly box at any stage. I heard they deactivate if not put in the Sly box once in a while.


20-10-10, 14:56
that depends on which softcam you use. some people i know do put their card back into their original box once a month or so to update their rites some however use the softcam it self to update the rites.

20-10-10, 15:27
Do you know if cccam auto updates?

20-10-10, 15:33
Do you know if cccam auto updates?

CCcam2.1.3 onward will auto update if setup correctly.

20-10-10, 18:00
my fta card has stopped updating.Put in the sky box and it says need a replacement card.

Regards jrbmw

27-10-10, 15:40
CCcam2.1.3 onward will auto update if setup correctly.

Thanks, any information/post on how to set it up correctly? Cheers

27-10-10, 18:06
Hi so any tips to open premium channels as al my sly chanels open but these,can i enter my PIN into the config or is there more to it than that

27-10-10, 19:17
as sicilian says card autoupdates from cccam 2.1.3 onwards. if you use cccam and newcs then you need mgcamd client to do the updates for entitlements. kegrka, if your card is subscribed to premium channels all you need to do is supply the correct boxkey in your cccam.cfg

09-12-10, 14:33
I tried this method with my Freesat from sky card, but it's not working, could be due to any of the following issues:

- The tuner on my old sky box died a month or two ago, and my card hasn't been in a connected box since then - perhaps it expired?
- The CCcam version running on my duo is 2.2.1, not 2.1.4
- There was already a CCcam.cfg file on the duo a good few kb big - should i have just added the lines to it?
- Do i need to tell the duo manually to send certain channels through the card?

If it makes any difference I am running OpenPLI v1.0 2010-09-06

Does anyone have experience of this and know if channels like C4HD will work with the freesat from sky card?

Any ideas?



09-12-10, 15:00
my fta card has stopped updating.Put in the sky box and it says need a replacement card.

Regards jrbmw

Sky were updating all the cards a while ago - i used to have a blue one, then they sent me a white one after i paid them

09-12-10, 17:58
Ha! it works now - guess it just needed to wait for the update code - will scan for new channels when the missus finishes watching her girly programs :rolleyes:

09-12-10, 23:33
For anyone interested, it is possible to get C4HD and C5HD with a freesat from sky viewing card...

09-12-10, 23:35
a free to view sly veiwing card will allow it as far as i'm aware but dont quote e my sly card is subscribed so i gt it anyway

09-12-10, 23:38
yes thats the point of the FTV sky cards. they allow you to view the FTV channels broadcast over their network.

18-01-11, 20:09
Step by step guide, presuming you have an FTP program on your PC and know how to use it, and that you simply want to use your sly card in your VUduo and not do anything dodgy.

1) Work out your box key

On the back of your sly box is a 17 digit number

Ignore the first 6 and the last 1 number, that gives you a 10 digit number.

For example, if your 17 digit code is


You would ignore the first 6 (1E2005) and the last one (8)
which would leave you with the 10 digit number 0685845674

google for a hex convertor (or use your calc if it has one),place the 10 digit number in and convert it to Hex.

The above example would give 28E12CAA which is your box key entered as (note the spaces)

BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 28 E1 2C AA

If your box key turns out at only 7 characters add a 0 (zero) to the beginning of the number to make it 8 characters long. 2) Install CCCam2.1.4 (something like Menu, Plugins, Download plugins, cams)

3) On your PC create a text file called CCcam and enter the following two lines

BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 12 34 AB CD
/dev/sci0 is presuming you are using the top slot for your Sly card.

Type it exactly as in the above, case sensitive, replacing "12 34 AB CD" with your box key.

save the file.

4) You will now have a file called CCcam.txt which needs to be changed to CCcam.cfg

Start Windows Explorer (Start, All Programs, Accessories, Windows Explorer) then click on "Documents"

Click on the "Organise" tab followed by "Folder and Search Options"

Click on the "View" tab and untick the box to the left of "Hide extensions for known file types"

Click "OK"

Right click on your newly created CCcam.txt file, select "rename", highlight the txt and change it to cfg

You will get a warning message saying something along the lines of "If you change file types, file might become unusable, are you sure..." click "Yes"

5) FTP your newly created CCcam.cfg file to the /etc directory on your VUduo box.

6) Shut down your VUduo box, insert your Sly card into the top slot (I made the mistake of thinking I had the top slot but as I was looking at the box from above, I actually had the lower slot, so double check)

7) Power up your VUduo box.

8) Menu, Setup, Softcam/ci

Softcam Setup

If there's nothing after "Active cam"

Select Cam: CCcam2.1.4

Press green button to start it.

Press blue button to autostart it

You are done. It should now automatically start every time you reboot and you should now have access to your channels.

hi what image should i be using as i am using blackhole, i just dont have the option,
Step by step guide, presuming you have an FTP program on your PC and know how to use it, and that you simply want to use your sly card in your VUduo and not do anything dodgy.

1) Work out your box key

Code:On the back of your sly box is a 17 digit number

Ignore the first 6 and the last 1 number, that gives you a 10 digit number.

For example, if your 17 digit code is


You would ignore the first 6 (1E2005) and the last one (8)
which would leave you with the 10 digit number 0685845674

google for a hex convertor (or use your calc if it has one),place the 10 digit number in and convert it to Hex.

The above example would give 28E12CAA which is your box key entered as (note the spaces)

BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 28 E1 2C AA

If your box key turns out at only 7 characters add a 0 (zero) to the beginning of the number to make it 8 characters long. 2) Install CCCam2.1.4 (something like Menu, Plugins, Download plugins, cams)

3) On your PC create a text file called CCcam and enter the following two lines

Code:BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 12 34 AB CD
SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/sci0 3570000 /dev/sci0 is presuming you are using the top slot for your Sly card.

Type it exactly as in the above, case sensitive, replacing "12 34 AB CD" with your box key.

save the file.

4) You will now have a file called CCcam.txt which needs to be changed to CCcam.cfg

Start Windows Explorer (Start, All Programs, Accessories, Windows Explorer) then click on "Documents"

Click on the "Organise" tab followed by "Folder and Search Options"

Click on the "View" tab and untick the box to the left of "Hide extensions for known file types"

Click "OK"

Right click on your newly created CCcam.txt file, select "rename", highlight the txt and change it to cfg

You will get a warning message saying something along the lines of "If you change file types, file might become unusable, are you sure..." click "Yes"

5) FTP your newly created CCcam.cfg file to the /etc directory on your VUduo box.

6) Shut down your VUduo box, insert your Sly card into the top slot (I made the mistake of thinking I had the top slot but as I was looking at the box from above, I actually had the lower slot, so double check)

7) Power up your VUduo box.

8) Menu, Setup, Softcam/ci

Softcam Setup

If there's nothing after "Active cam"

Select Cam: CCcam2.1.4

Press green button to start it.

Press blue button to autostart it

You are done. It should now automatically start every time you reboot and you should now have

18-01-11, 20:15
sorry about the above post, what image should i be using for it to work as i dont have the option to set up the softcam via the menu, stup,softcam/ci
I am using blackhole vuduo 142

20-01-11, 09:00
on BH images mate you have to load cams and files manually as BH don't include them in their addons.

if you don't know how, or cant, or don't want to do it manually, i'd suggest using VIX 1.3 very good image and it will allow you to D/L all you need.

regards: canthackit

20-01-11, 20:54
what addons do i need

20-01-11, 20:57
google for a manual install file for CCcam, you will not find it here or on the BlackHole support board but there are plenty of boards that host the files you need.

21-01-11, 18:57
nearly there i have skycard in the machine with chip facing up, is it just a case of wating for a update know.

21-01-11, 19:33
chip faces down not up

21-01-11, 21:09
face down then just leave it.

21-01-11, 21:18
cheers, sorted now, i got they from the menu converted hey presto working, the number on the sticker was different from the internal menu.

21-01-11, 21:27
google for a manual install file for CCcam, you will not find it here or on the BlackHole support board but there are plenty of boards that host the files you need.

actually you will find the files here, you wont get help setting up the config file however.

21-01-11, 21:28
nearly there my premium channels wont open, any ideas.

21-01-11, 21:29
search google for SKY boxkey generation

21-01-11, 21:46
worked it out the premium channels need the boxkey, the basic channels don't, so when i put the wrong boxkey in with the chip facing down, they worked, but the premium channels need boxkey. so when i put the boxkey in calculated, from the sticker all the channels work.

just one more question, how can i prevent the card from overheating.

21-01-11, 21:54
it wont overheat in a vu.

21-01-11, 22:18
cheers, pint time now

21-01-11, 23:07
chip facing up???

you wanna change it to facing down and you may find that it will work stright away


24-03-11, 07:41
Hi - looking for some help.....just pressing my VU+ into active service in the front room - ive got a basic subscription to sly - nothing though...got cccam 2.1 installed and working (well its showing in the cam menu as active) - i went through the box key stuff, created the config file although i didnt think i needed to do any of this as ive got a basic sub. card is in the top slot facing down. Nothing. Am i missing something??

24-03-11, 07:43
Well - i didnt expect that - just popped into the diablo cam and it works....whats all that about - should i take the diablo out??

24-03-11, 07:45
Ok - if i take the cam out and put the card in the top slot then it doesnt work (i set the cam config for the top slot)....as i say it works but only in the cam....(its a last generation diablo by the way)

24-03-11, 10:04
Ok - if i take the cam out and put the card in the top slot then it doesnt work (i set the cam config for the top slot)....as i say it works but only in the cam....(its a last generation diablo by the way)

Eventuali though its a basic card you will need to installl a software cam and a basic cfg file. Not at my pc but of you do a quick search it will hopefully bring the thread but dymo

24-03-11, 23:47
Yeah -done that - twice now = still nothing...

24-03-11, 23:52
Yeah -done that - twice now = still nothing...
Try running CCcam in debug mode from telnet

24-03-11, 23:54
I've tried to put together a simplified guide from when I did it myself, you can find it here: http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?7376-CCcam-amp-Sly-Setup-on-VIX-2.0-by-dymebox

If you have followed that to the "T" and it still doesn't work, then I've got no clue! :/

24-03-11, 23:58
yeah - that the one that i followed but in all fairness i didnt think i needed to do all of that (as ive got a basic sub) but did it anyway....as i say - strange as it is working from the Diablo.

25-03-11, 00:08
I don't think it matters what kind of Sly card sub you have, the box key stuff is essential.

Hope you work it out!

25-03-11, 00:11
Well, i dont know what happened (just thought id give it another try and hey presto) it works - case closed on that one.....next question - how to i get the icons down the side of the epg rather than just the writing ???

Thanks for the help so far....much appreciated.

25-03-11, 00:14

EPG > Menu > Enable Picon

You can only have so many channels per page for picons to display though.

25-03-11, 00:17

EPG > Menu > Enable Picon

You can only have so many channels per page for picons to display though.

yeah thats right 5 with PIG and 8 without

but now we going off topic

26-03-11, 21:24
Absolutely spanking - been looking for the answer to that....thanks alot.!!

26-03-11, 23:16
Just put the 2.1 image on - still cant get the icons to show in the epg....they are enabled in the menus....i used the icons downloader in the default plugin download area...do i have to use a specific set...?

27-03-11, 05:13
yeah thats right 5 with PIG and 8 without

but now we going off topic

Did you follow silverfox's post above to enable them

27-03-11, 07:17
Yeah, but i didnt understand the statement "yeah thats right 5 with PIG and 8 without" - what does that mean....

27-03-11, 13:48
Yeah, but i didnt understand the statement "yeah thats right 5 with PIG and 8 without" - what does that mean....

press rpg them press menu

you will see a menu

if you enable use PIG then

items on show will need to be set to 5

id you dont enable PIG then

item on show will need to be 8

27-03-11, 19:20
Got it....workings. Thanks very much...

06-04-11, 14:39
Hi all, does this also work for the Sky Freesat Card, the Number is only 9 digits long.
Mine is like 518 123 456. At the bottom in small font there is a different no.: U M012345M67 089

06-04-11, 20:32
Hi all, does this also work for the Sky Freesat Card, the Number is only 9 digits long.
Mine is like 518 123 456. At the bottom in small font there is a different no.: U M012345M67 089

What works for the freesat card, the EPG menu has got nothing to do with the card you have??

06-04-11, 22:15
Hi again, let me put my question this way: Is there any way to get the Sky Freesat Card working without knowing the serial number of the registered Sky-Box?!

07-04-11, 19:13
yes use oscam and it does all the work for you.

08-04-11, 12:01
Hi again, let me put my question this way: Is there any way to get the Sky Freesat Card working without knowing the serial number of the registered Sky-Box?!

You dont need a serial number to use the freesat cafd, only for premium.channels. Use cccam and it will work fine.

08-04-11, 12:24
You dont need a serial number to use the freesat cafd, only for premium.channels. Use cccam and it will work fine.
Pick Tv will not work with CCcam anymore so you loose 2 channels at present. Only Oscam can do the job at present.

08-04-11, 13:21
Hi again, let me put my question this way: Is there any way to get the Sky Freesat Card working without knowing the serial number of the registered Sky-Box?!

you dont need the box key for a freesat card. i my self use a freesat card in my DM7020 with CCcam, you dont enter any details for the card into the CCcam.cfg file as it will auto detect the card. you only need boxkeys when using premium channels such as sport or movies.

Pick Tv will not work with CCcam anymore so you loose 2 channels at present. Only Oscam can do the job at present.

no great loss to be fair, it's a pap channel any hoo.

08-04-11, 17:09

Is there a way to re-activate the freesat card. It seems to be expired in November 2010.
I looked it up in CCCAM Webserver http://mybox:16001

I have heard that OSCAM can activate cards if you stay on a encrypted channel like "5 USA" up to three days... is this true?
Is this also working without OSCAM by using CCCAM only?

Thanks a lot,

08-04-11, 17:14
just leave it in the box with CCcam activated for a couple of days, it will re-activate providing it's not totally dead.

08-04-11, 20:05
How can I determine if it's not totally dead? Should I keep watching three days an encrypted (dark) channel?

08-04-11, 20:08
just leave it in the box for a bit, surely your life does not depend on decrypting a FREE channel. have a bit of patience. it wont go any faster just because you want it to.

07-06-11, 21:46
hi ,
cant find the cccam 2.1.4 in
download plugin

im using vix 2.1 in my duo
checked all other settings
any comments
im trying to read my own sly fta card in the vu+duo

07-06-11, 21:56
There are no cams via the download menu,you need to ftp into the tmp folder and manually install via the ipk option in vix

07-06-11, 21:58
Thers a sticky in the vix duo forum that shows in detail how to install

08-06-11, 14:46
Xo u do same if uou wanted.to do oscam on the box ,want to read my.subs sky card

25-07-11, 21:12
Hi all, Just put my active SLY card in my VU+ Duo using latest VIX 2.2.103 and all subbed channels clear without using any boxkey.
Is this a new feature or will the card deactivate soon without adding the boxkey?

25-07-11, 22:04
if your card works without the box key, thats surprising, best to see what happens, as its not an easyone to answer

25-07-11, 23:52
Hi all, Just put my active SLY card in my VU+ Duo using latest VIX 2.2.103 and all subbed channels clear without using any boxkey.
Is this a new feature or will the card deactivate soon without adding the boxkey?

did you update to vix 2.2.1xx from a older version via the update feature of the image ?, because if you did the image will still be using the CCcam.cfg file you had previously. and for the record CCcam can not decode the premium channels on sky uk card without the boxkey being present in it's config file.

26-07-11, 00:09
did you update to vix 2.2.1xx from a older version via the update feature of the image ?, because if you did the image will still be using the CCcam.cfg file you had previously. and for the record CCcam can not decode the premium channels on sky uk card without the boxkey being present in it's config file.

Hi Pheonix, no it was a fresh USB flash of VIX 2.2.100 then online updates.
Definitely no boxkey in my CCcam.cfg.
It's the basic Irish sub, was just surprised that Irish channels clear as they don't on an expired card I tried.

26-07-11, 00:23
it's likely then that the channels in question are FTV like the UK FTV channels, which require a card but no boxkey to clear, as no premuim channels ( movies / sports etc ) will clear without a boxkey present while reading the local sky card in CCcam.

26-07-11, 00:30
it's likely then that the channels in question are FTV like the UK FTV channels, which require a card but no boxkey to clear, as no premuim channels ( movies / sports etc ) will clear without a boxkey present while reading the local sky card in CCcam.

Yeah, suspect that's the case now. However Irish channels aren't available on FTV satellite in Ireland for some stupid reason (cash & SLY)...
but for now, as long as there is still a sub on the Irish card it clears those channels without boxkey. Will update if it changes.

26-07-11, 01:43
also getting other channels that aren't FTV in Ireland like Sky Arts without adding the boxkey & using the basic SKY sub card in Ireland.

29-07-11, 06:21
Sky Arts will open without the boxkey as its not considered a Premium channel by Sky.

The reason Irish channels are not available FTV is a rights issue not Sky being awkward. If you look at the new Irish Freesat system its on a stupidly tight spot beam on KaSat 9e for the same reason.

Over on another forum one member is reporting to be able to pick up Irish Freesat in North Wales on a 2.4m dish. He couldn't see it on his 1.8m setup. If that doesn't put the message across i really don't know what will.

You will also need to use OSC** if you wish to view all of the channels as Sky have done something so CCC** on its own cannot decode all the Sky channels. Pick TV being the one most people seem to complain about.


29-10-11, 10:27
Can the box key be entered if using MgCamd?

29-10-11, 10:27
I am not sure mate, never used it as I have Oscam and CCcam only.