View Full Version : [TM-TWIN-OE] Technomate Recording Issues.

31-03-13, 21:43

As per previous posts and issues with recordings on the Technomate Linux range. I think each user that has an issue with recordings should email Technomate with there findings.The more feedback they get the sooner we can get a solution to the problem. TM can't seem to reproduce the issue .

As discussed with Phoenix can we posts findings on this thread going forward for issues with recordings on TM range.

I have emailed Richard in TM today and have gotten the following response :

To make sure is not the hard ware please do as bellow
1-Download 4d image from this link/install and finish
2-Use any channel list do not use updater /just channel list
3-use bbc or itv only free to air channel/before recoding make sure these
channel are active means watch one by one
4-Formate your hard disk /in 4d will display if format is successful/in vix
you have press blue button to see
After above go to menu/standby/ok/re start

Now press red record button go to indefinite recording /record 5 minutes
then watch
If all ok then watch few scramble channel then start recording them
If ok otherwise ring me.

Best Regards,

31-03-13, 21:47

Just an update . I have tested all above and still have the same issue. I emailed TM again, and to be fair replied on Easter Sunday and offered to ring me.

Richard from TM response was they will test more in the labs . Details below

I am working all Easter holiday to make sure TM service is running.
I cannot duplicate your problem as many others in the forums.
Best, if my basic instruction is no fix. Best way to retune it with HDD in it. we will do more test in our Lab to rectify the problem,

Best Regards,

abu baniaz
31-03-13, 22:21
Unfortunately, those points above shows the misunderdstanfing TM have of the issue. Timer recordings are the ones that fail when not on the desired channel. I do not recollect anyone having an issue recording while watching a channel, this is perfect.

The hardest thing is that the issue is erratic and can't be produced easily. When it does happen, nothing shows up in the logs.

My wife now leaves the receiver on the channel she wants to record.

Hopefully when the Pli 3.0 4D image makes it's way out into the open, more people will start complaining and they will have to act.

31-03-13, 22:27
I totally agree and my wife also does the same re recordings. I had 1 in 3 recording fail today when testing.