View Full Version : Cant install TSPanel on ViX

22-03-13, 22:19
Hi all,

New to world-of-satellite - bought my new Vu+Duo this week.

I got it pre-installed with ViX Team image, and everything is going brilliantly! Have tweaked around alot, using the guides on here - very helpful.

Im having trouble installing TSPanel plugin. Ive tried FTPing to /tmp and installing from box - and also forcing install via telnet. Both times it does its thing, i restart, then when i navigate to 'plugins' i get an error message saying that they havent installed. Ive also tried using older ipk's but to no avail.

Any help would be apprieciated!


22-03-13, 22:30
TSPanel isn't supported on ViX.
It does sound like you are trying to install the wrong version though.
What do you want it for?

22-03-13, 22:34
Ah - not supported would make sense!

I was advised it is a good source for plugins - the stanard ViX image im using does have much choice.

Are there any alternatives?

22-03-13, 22:40
Ah - not supported would make sense!

I was advised it is a good source for plugins - the stanard ViX image im using does have much choice.

Are there any alternatives?

Most plugins should be in the feeds.
No Cams are hosted there, all though you can find them on http://openvix.co.uk
For anything else, let us know what you're missing & I'm sure someone will jump in with a solution.
It's a lot better learning how to install plugins for yourself & thanks to Andy, we have a few great easy ways to store plugins locally if they're not in the feeds & install from there.

22-03-13, 22:47
what is the exact error message you get?


Gesendet von meinem GT-P1000 mit Tapatalk 2

23-03-13, 11:52
Thanks Judge - I think ill take your advice and install any plugins myself, im sure il learn more that way anyway.

Ive got Cccam installed ok - got my EPG working as i need with crossepg + opentv sources. Bouquets are fine, i used Ratsupdater. I also installed 1channel to see what that's like, pretty interesting.

I'd like a few more suggestions though? If you could advise something il give it a go.

Just trying to install picons using the usb flash ive got plugged into the back of the Vu+Duo - didnt get it to work so had to ftp the picon folder to the root of Vu+Duo. Is this ok?

23-03-13, 11:56
you can install TSpanel if you want but we advise against it as it is known to cuase problems with the image and is coded in such a way that it overwrits many image critical system files during it's install.

now on the topic of handy plugins try the OE-Alliance OnDemand plugin from the image feeds ( menu > plugins> green button> ).

This will give you the BBCiplayer, ITV player, 4OD, etc etc etc.

23-03-13, 12:03
Thanks for the suggestion Pheonix - im giving it a go now! Just restarting the box....

23-03-13, 12:05
I hope you like it, i know that for me personally it has become a integral part of my TV viewing experience.

23-03-13, 12:30
Got it working - its excellent!

Even though ive got everything as i need it, i still want to play around with it! So any other suggestions of things i can cut my teeth on they would be much apprieciated.

Any different skins perhaps?

23-03-13, 12:34
skins are a little more difficult at the moment due to a recent major rewrite of the ViX skin engine rendering most thirdparty skins incompatible until their authors update them. you can see a selection of ViX compatible skins in the plugin feeds under the ViX heading.

23-03-13, 12:46
I think il wait then - dont want to ruin my box by installing incompatible skins. Just eager to see the different options.

Im going to be installing a usb flash drive, to handle epg, timeshift, picons etc - i planned on just formatting it to fat32 then adding picons folder and inserting into Vu+Duo - restart box - will this work? How do i get the epg to save to usb flash?

23-03-13, 12:51
once you have the storage device installed and formatted / mounted correctly it's easy enough to change the paths for EPG and other services, but if your unsure you can always just post on the forum and we will help.

as for messing up the receiver, i would not worry about that, you can easily and quickly make a set of personal backups for your image that you can restore or reflash back to the receiver in a few minutes giving you a fully working system again in no time. The best thing you can do is make a backup and experiment a little to see what's best for you.

23-03-13, 14:44
I formatted new usb flash on win7 - Fat32. then plugged into back of Vu+Duo, initialised it which seemed to work (100/100 complete), then when i go to mount it in ViX settings, it always fails? it also cant display how big the flash drive is (its 32gb) - any ideas?

23-03-13, 15:33
It should auto mount after you initialised it.
Didn't it do this?

23-03-13, 15:36
No it didnt - and when i go to ViX-Mount Manager its showing as there, but says 'size:unavailable, mount:none, device:/dev/sdb1, type:unavailable'

23-03-13, 15:37
sorry, but all I can say is try doing it again...

23-03-13, 15:44
rebooted box and started again from intialising - it worked!

going to transfer my picons to root, and set my timeshift to use usb - how do i direct epg to usb?

23-03-13, 15:46
You can set Epg Location in the EPG settings screen.

23-03-13, 16:07
in the EPG Settings i can only choose from /media/hdd/ or Internal Flash - is there anyway to change this to my usb (/media/usb/)

Edit - i cant get the picons to work either. have transfered to /mnt/media/usb/[added picons folder here] via ftp - but they are not showing.

23-03-13, 16:34
Are you sure your USB is mounted as /media/usb/?

If you are still using TSPanel, I believe this can mess up your moint paths.

23-03-13, 16:39
i never got TSPanel to work. I also went into plugins settings and removed TSPanel from list of extensions.

Picons arent working either, or Timeshift - so i think there is definately a problem with the USB Flash. im going to try and initialise it again, and mount.

23-03-13, 16:43
i never got TSPanel to work. I also went into plugins settings and removed TSPanel from list of extensions.

Picons arent working either, or Timeshift - so i think there is definately a problem with the USB Flash. im going to try and initialise it again, and mount.

unfortunately even if you never got it to work just installing the TSpanel is enough to screw the image up, if you did install TSpanel the only way to fully remove all traces is to do a full clean image re-install

23-03-13, 16:59

Im thinking about just leaving it as it is? I've got everything i need working, just not usb. Clean image is something ive never done, and even if i successfully did it i would have to reinstall bouquets, cams, epg, and all plugins right?

What would you recommend i do?

23-03-13, 17:07
yep it would be a full clean install but once you know what your doing that will only take a maximum of 10 to 15 minutes to do.

if your happy as is now then just stick with it.

23-03-13, 17:10
And how long would it take to clean install - then add all my plugins,ccam etc ?

23-03-13, 17:14
for a novice i'd say about 20 minutes to half a hour from start to end, the flash process it self only takes 5 minutes, the rest is just setting up personal settings and plugins etc. but if your not comfortable with that yet it can be left be for a while.

23-03-13, 17:45
I think im going to do it - from reading up it sounds pretty simple, plus i want to get some expierience in flashing and starting from scratch.

Can you advise which image i should use (i like ViX) and possible post a link?

Also, i dont know which cccam to use from OpenViX downloads (enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.2.1_1.0-r0_mipsel.ipk or enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.2_1.0-r0_mipsel.ipk, or just cccam 2.3.0)

23-03-13, 17:55
Have you a working cam on the box now?

If so create a folder with these 4 folders in it on your PC.


ftp your cam, cfg & picons back to your PC.

Now when you flash the image, you'll be up and running again in no time. Just ftp them back...

Then when you get set-up the way you want, make a settings back-up on the box.

23-03-13, 17:58
i cant name folders on my pc with '/', but ive created folders called etc, picon, usr (inside usr is 'softcams' folder).

Can you link me to or post a good image for me to use? preferably Vix, as im used to it now.


23-03-13, 18:12
you don't create folders named '/'

Latest ViX images can all ways be found on the download server:

23-03-13, 18:42
Im going for it, will post back results.

(Planning to install ViX 3.0.632)

25-03-13, 11:52
Unfortunately World-of-Satellite has been down for quite a while, if not for this you would have seen an post about 20 minutes later saying 'All Complete'!

Amazed at how easy it is, I flashed a brand new image, and set up all my Cams/Bouquets in about 10-15minutes. In fact after I did the first one, I got a bit carried away and downloaded probably a few too many plugins which caused my system to be agonisingly slow. So I flashed again! And another time since that - when I got to a point where all Cams/Bouquets/Settings were OK (but no plugins) I created a backup.

Now my system is a lot faster - although every now and then it will take a few seconds to load (for example if you press EPG after a long period of inactivity, it takes a few seconds to load), but overall much better.

I would recommend to anyone new to this like me, to give it a try. As long as you follow instructions carefully and do your homework on everything, you'll be fine and it makes you a lot more confident in both the physical hardware and the software.

Thanks for all the help.:)