View Full Version : [VU+ Ultimo] rootfs full

18-03-13, 18:57

Around few months ago my VU+ Ultimo started to act and crashed when I tried to add timer ; found out that rootfs was pretty full... so I went away and removed some random language files etc. that I was sure not to need and got some free space.

Now the problem is back again and tried to locate anything that would be eating space there but could not find any clues... managed to get 1.8M again but I think this is just going to repeat quite soon...

root@vuultimo:/# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
ubi0:rootfs 439.4M 437.6M 1.8M 100% /
devtmpfs 134.3M 4.0K 134.3M 0% /dev
tmpfs 64.0K 0 64.0K 0% /media
/dev/sda1 931.4G 239.5G 691.8G 26% /media/hdd
tmpfs 134.4M 92.0K 134.4M 0% /var/volatile

Anyone else seeing this kind of behaviour or should I just flash latest VIX (?) any advice would be highly appreciated :)

18-03-13, 20:59
unmount your hdd and look into /hdd or /media/hdd to see if there is a timeshift file or a part of a recording. With telnet and

cd /
du >/tmp/du.txt

you get a text file which contains all directories and the space they occupy.


20-03-13, 18:18
Thanks Trial,

unmounted hdd but folders were empty, however checkin the DU output found out that there was 11Gb txt file under /var/lib/opkg/lists (openvix-mips32el) ; which I just deleted and now have 56% free ;)