View Full Version : NFS Mounts not showing up

17-03-13, 10:11
Folks, I would really appreciate your thoughts on my problem. I have a Ubuntu file server running NFS it has been serving up files to my Duo (running VIX 3.0) with no probs but for some reason all of a sudden my mount point are not showing up. Ive spent quite a few hours on this but with no success. I can see the usual /media/hdd & /media/usb but not the nfs mounts even though the Ubuntu server logs show no problems..

sudo showmounts -e on server produces the following:-
/export/Videos *

VUDUO fstab has the following entry:- /media/net/Videos nfs nfsvers=3,proto=tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,timeo= 14,fg,soft,intr 0 0

Any ideas please ?????????????

17-03-13, 10:14
Quick question but you dont by chance have TSpanel installed on the image or have had it installed on the image at any time even if it's since been removed but the image not reflashed since ?.

The reason i ask is because TSpanel is a known problem in this area, if this is not a factor then at least we can rule that out.

17-03-13, 10:28
Quick question but you dont by chance have TSpanel installed on the image or have had it installed on the image at any time even if it's since been removed but the image not reflashed since ?.

The reason i ask is because TSpanel is a known problem in this area, if this is not a factor then at least we can rule that out.
Pheonix, I have not. When I first started using VIX 2.3 I played around with TSpanel but when I flashed 3.0 I left it as a vanilla install, out of the box so to speak !

17-03-13, 10:35
well at least we have cleared that one up and we know it's not a factor ( you would be surprised at the times we have gone through a 100 post thread only to discover it was a very simple thing, so best get those kinds of questions out of the way first ). unfortunately i'm at work rite now so i fear i would be of little real help to you, hopefully some one who knows a little more about such things can help when they see this thread.

17-03-13, 10:44
thanks anyway m8