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View Full Version : Dream Elite are back - or are they?

guff daddy
30-09-10, 19:20
There is a somewhat confused rant posted at the address of what used to be the Dream Elite forum under a banner of "No Piracy" and "No Clones"

Now whatever you think about the "No Clones" bit, isn't the "No Piracy" claim a bit disingenuous????

30-09-10, 19:28
Dream Elite isnt quite back. New forum is just forum. No new images.
DreamElite team and images will be back in few months.

Official news from new forum.

30-09-10, 19:30
the team is just starting to put some things back for now, as oldskulride says no new images for now

30-09-10, 19:44
support only for dmm

30-09-10, 20:37
A few interesting quotes from that page:

We need to show some loyalty to those who invest time and money and allow us with their investments to always have new and updated software and hardware ensuring not only the present existence of our favourite devices but also future development and evolution at the same time.

We must bow down to DMM, as they are better to everyone. The products are expensive of course, but we don't mind, as we get free products from them, and will hopefully be getting some good money from them. Oh yeah, we had personal things that were what drove us away from the scene for a couple of weeks... But that's all sorted now, we decided that money is better than doing it for free. Nothing to do with the hobby with a bit of support from the manufactuer's to be able to work on their boxes...

For all these reasons, the Dream Team Elite will address only the true fans of the hobby and those who want to peacefully enjoy your satellite for pure passion and in full compliance with the law and the work of developers and of the original manufacturers.

In other words, we are happy to take DMM's money, and fully support what they tell us to do?!

Other words in there does seem to contradict all this though... So, who knows?!

guff daddy
01-10-10, 10:19
Yes, these guys are working for Dream Multimedia now.

It is bullshit to come out with this No Piracy stuff - DMM sell boxes 99% based on their ability to cardshare. No cardsharing, no industry.

DMM are well aware of this and work in the background to help teams to develop the whole cardsharing market.

01-10-10, 10:58
So no new Vu+ images and not even support for the existing VU+ image? Is the Vu+ a clone now? I seem to recall that those same guys did not deem the VU+ as a clone, so the last part of that statement leaves some space ...
On the other hand, maybe the Vu+ is one of the targets of this whole thing: am I wrong thinking that with DTT support and half the price it is a strong alternative to the 8000?
What do you think? Meanwhile, thanks to all who develop images for these box, and I hope someone wil fix the DTT issue soon.


01-10-10, 11:12

"Dream Multimedia and Dream Elite team have joined this project to create a reference point for all the international users that love dreambox products."

I think that tells everything.No support for vu+ or clones.Only Dmm products.

They have made that and speculation do not help.Thats called market economy also ;)

01-10-10, 11:21
If Vix team had its image dtt usb, all quickly forget the team DE for images VU+ :)

01-10-10, 19:52
If the Dream Elite Team wants to develope images for the Dreamboxes only for whatever reason it is their right to do so!
Only thing I pity is that open source is not so open anymore.

01-10-10, 21:29
money makes the world go round!

joined DreamMultimedia no longer enough to Gemini!

Dreanmultimedia wants to dominate the market for box Enigma, Vu + duo will give them a lot of headaches!

I increasingly like my Vu + duo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-10-10, 21:48
I think we must respect what people decide to do.
We do not have to use any specific image in our boxes yet we choose to try them and then decide which image we prefer.
If teams decide to make images for specific receivers that is there choice. They spend the time developing them so it is up to them which direction they choose to take.
Thankfully there is, and always will be, a cult of people who strive to provide our hobby with a platform for us to use.

01-10-10, 22:07
I think we must respect what people decide to do.
We do not have to use any specific image in our boxes yet we choose to try them and then decide which image we prefer.
If teams decide to make images for specific receivers that is there choice. They spend the time developing them so it is up to them which direction they choose to take.
Thankfully there is, and always will be, a cult of people who strive to provide our hobby with a platform for us to use.

I think the problem of most people is that dmm are basically saying that they've paid de to do the images for them... If de decided to just work on dmm images, or just vu images, mostpeople wouldn't have a problem. Even if it was just that dmm were providing boxes for de whereas vu were not, then that's fine. It's the fact that dmm are paying for the board, licenses, and basically saying "we've bought the de team..."

01-10-10, 22:33
I think the problem of most people is that dmm are basically saying that they've paid de to do the images for them... If de decided to just work on dmm images, or just vu images, mostpeople wouldn't have a problem. Even if it was just that dmm were providing boxes for de whereas vu were not, then that's fine. It's the fact that dmm are paying for the board, licenses, and basically saying "we've bought the de team..."
Yes m8, but at the end of the day that is still their decision.
Most enthusiasts and hobbyists like myself will HOPEFULLY see what is going on and read between the lines, and then make an educated decision as to which receiver to buy.
However there is a gathering of people to our hobby that are only intent on getting as much TV viewing as possible, without putting anything at all back to the community.
BUT I would not call these people any names or slag them off because it has happened and will happen for years to come.

02-10-10, 00:48
To be honest, if DE want to go down the route of Gemini, Thats entirely there choice, there are other linux based units that have made it, via there own images, the technomate 9100 series proves that, and its the same for the VU+ series

in the end, any team being offerd cash surport, would very likely take it

the bottom line is, the DB has been, and still is "king" and what ever peeps think of DBmm, and there past alledged dirty tricks, they have opened a sort of freedom, to the average user, and have removed reliance on certain aspects of the hobby

how ever, that freedom, has been further expanded, by the new "kids on the block" so if DBmm want to retake control, thats there chioce, its the user, and local surport that in the end decides, not them,

my choice, is the VU+


02-10-10, 01:01
The big guns are getting scared of the new kid in town.
Vu+ will keep getting stronger and stronger, With ever improving images from vix team.Let the games begin.

02-10-10, 10:22
The big guns are getting scared of the new kid in town.
Vu+ will keep getting stronger and stronger, With ever improving images from vix team.Let the games begin.

How will they when they cant be arsed to give 2 solo's to VIX to support the porting of the vix image?

02-10-10, 11:53
It will come in time I'd say

04-10-10, 13:21
Anyone had a look at the "new" dmm-elite board recently... Looks like they've pulled it down again, as just gives a blank page?! When looking back at the dream-elite.net page, it doesn't have their big long rant about piracy any more?!

What they playing at? :p

04-10-10, 18:25
Well soon Vu+ will release the new modular tuner PVR in December, 2010.

Vu gave DE team free boxes to develop images, i think they should return the boxes to Vu now that they have gone to bed with the devil.

In my eyes DE team are a bunch of losers.

04-10-10, 18:28
Well soon Vu+ will release the new modular tuner PVR in December, 2010.

so who has confirmed this to you?

04-10-10, 18:31
Well soon Vu+ will release the new modular tuner PVR in December, 2010.

Vu gave DE team free boxes to develop images, i think they should return the boxes to Vu now that they have gone to bed with the devil.

In my eyes DE team are a bunch of losers.

Hi Likvid

May I ask where did You get this information?

04-10-10, 18:34
We should forget DE. They constantly have issues.
There are other teams which have great images.

04-10-10, 18:40
Why have to forget?

Yes there are other teams doing good.

I rise my hat to All.

04-10-10, 18:41
the present DE will be good enough for a while, it does it all. Small things like ECM time, cron manager.. is all there which does make it simple for a noob like myself BUT the other images are par with it.

04-10-10, 18:48
Well soon Vu+ will release the new modular tuner PVR in December, 2010.

Vu gave DE team free boxes to develop images, i think they should return the boxes to Vu now that they have gone to bed with the devil.

In my eyes DE team are a bunch of losers.

They could always pass some of those free boxes over our way ;) But then again, we're not even worthy of some solos :p hehe

13-10-10, 18:09
vBulletin Message
Dream Elite Team was born from a group of enthusiasts of satellite receivers and Linux. The development and deployment of Linux-based systems has now long since gone beyond the mere scope of the personal computer. Linux receivers currently offer fans the best performance and the largest range of potential and personalization in the field both from a standpoint of GUI application development. Because of the great potential that obviously can be used for both good and evil we have witnessed the development and the phenomena of piracy with the emergence of pay- servers that use card- sharing over the Internet to offer Pay TV. Pay TV without a regular subscription results in illegal profits to the detriment not only of television providers but also the whole community of fans of TV and this kind of receiver. The whole community have become victims of a real smear campaign that has implemented the equation " Linux Receiver = Pirate " At the same time we have seen the emergence of another form of piracy that is not going to hit just television providers, but the producers of Linux-based decoder with the sale of " Cloned Products " These are manufactured at bargain prices from companies who did not in any way invest in the development of the platforms in question and offer no contribution to the continued development. The same limitations just make an unfair competition through the sale of cloned copies of the same products making unjust gain to the detriment not only of the original manufacturers but also the fans that develop applications for free. Dream Elite Team considers these forms of piracy both highly dangerous and destructive for all true hobbyists and enthusiasts who want only for the satellite community to grow in peace and in full compliance with the law. Our dream would be to be able to use Linux-based receivers in a legal manner for the sole purpose of being free to view television with a full Pay-TV subscription in full compliance with applicable laws. It is our belief that our hobby and passion is now in serious danger. Satellite piracy and in particular the widespread use of pay- server card- sharing services and companies producing clones are going to be fundamental to our demise. The spread of piracy is in fact destroying the group of fans in favour of the category of “smart incompetent " buying Linux-based receivers just to make illegal use and " scrounge " in some way the viewing of television providers without paying for rights. The most serious consequence of this phenomenon is the unleashing of a great witch hunt that no longer distinguishes between fans and pirates. The possession of a Linux receiver such as a Dreambox is now considered illicit and gains automatic qualification into the world of piracy. Recent publications in many computer magazine articles also associated the use of a Linux based receiver only with its possibilities with illegal use and automatically stigmatize owners as pirates. All this could lead to forms of persecution of the holders of such boxes or otherwise of these products thus depriving real enthusiasts and all those who use these decoders in a perfectly lawful manner. On the other hand the companies that produce clones at bargain prices and contribute nothing to the development are undermining the profits of the original producers. We need to show some loyalty to those who invest time and money and allow us with their investments to always have new and updated software and hardware ensuring not only the present existence of our favourite devices but also future development and evolution at the same time. The Dream Elite Team has always dissociated from both these forms of piracy and the production of clones is firmly at the heart of current bad exposure of our passion. It is for these reasons that the Dream Elite board has always banned any discussion regarding the use of illegal keys in Linux-based receivers, prohibiting in particular the discussions on the sharing and use of card keys in soft cams. In reality, the Dream Elite Team has even led to an opposite extreme in prohibiting discussions about setting up cams even if they were for the exclusive use of reading a legitimate subscription card. With the current prevalence of piracy our philosophy for enthusiast will always be “better safe than sorry.” To protect manufacturers, original contributors and combat clones that the Dream Elite Team has also not only banned from their forum threads regarding clones but also taken active measures in combating this phenomenon. Whilst we empathise with many users we now face prospect of our work and philosophy being destroyed with the alteration of its software and the dismantling of images being altered in combination with external servers and addons for misuse other than our original intention. For all these reasons, the Dream Team Elite will address only the true fans of the hobby and those who want to peacefully enjoy your satellite for pure passion and in full compliance with the law and the work of developers and of the original manufacturers. To those who pay a regular subscription to pay-TV which users and uses Linux-based receivers for product quality and not to play to make piracy network and also feel offended by being branded as pirates despite the regular payment of subscriptions and the cost is not indifferent to addressing this hobby. The Dream Elite Team at the moment has suspended all of its activities and therefore appeals to all true lovers of Linux -based receivers to make a stand against piracy and actively combat the spread of clones in order to preserve the destruction of this legitimate and wonderful hobby and to protect it from possible destruction. Piracy and unfair competition are not just battles but they are self- destructive. There are real and more important battles to fight. Let's work together for the sacred right to use a SINGLE DECODER Let's work together for the right to use the satellite receiver and DTT of our choice , whether it is Linux -based or other we should not forced by large networks to use only the decoder of their choice. Otherwise instead of getting a law on freedom and the right to use a receiver of your choice will have the contrary, as is already happening now with the persecution of Linux-based receivers and the preventive and indiscriminate accusation of piracy too. Those who use and pay regular subscription fees of hundreds and hundreds of pounds to the largest national providers have no choice and it is largely your own making.