View Full Version : streaming from xp1000 to pc over the web

16-03-13, 16:29
hi folks,

first off im fairly savvy with networking etc, i have streaming from the box over 3g working on my phone using an app and vlc player to transcode the stream, it also allows switching channels via the app.

now heres my problem, i want to stream to another windows pc from the xp1000 (enigma2 vix 3.0 image) over the web, if i try to stream from webif interface to vlc player, it plays but only in its origional form, if i try to transcode the stream no matter what settings i use it doesnt transcode, it just plays locally in origional format and drops the transcoding, so either i am doing something wrong (cant see what) or vlc isnt working properly on win7, it streams perfectly when its configured remotely by the app on my phone (only on phone though) so it is able to transcode the stream in theory but for some reason in practice it wont.

so if there is nobody experienced in vlc logs here, does anyone know of a front end gui (ie http based) system that has tabs for channels and automatically configures vlc by remote (same as the android app but for windows) so i can enter my ip address anywhere on the web and have access to transcoded video to a format i select depending on the state of the network where i am recieving the stream (home is fibreoptic but still upload is too slow for raw video) any help in getting this to work would be appreciated. (i dont know much programming so the gui is not something i could create).


17-03-13, 14:29
i have now fixed the streaming problem, it was the webif link containing illegal characters, it seems necassary to delete the channel name from end of the link and some other info from the front and just leave the channel reference with redirect to port 8001, id still like a web page that auto initializes the vlc streaming so i dont have to manually change channels using an app etc, i also found a pdf on all the scripts used in webif and details on how to compose a http:// link that will zap channels when clicked on.

so i have the info just no idea how to build a web page, is there any software that i can just drag and drop buttons into place and give them functions instead of having to know the code behind it all?

of i was also planning on running said web page on my own server i already have the default win7 web services running and accessible i just need a custome page.


17-03-13, 14:34
maybe try the tunerserver plugin & see if you can do it that way.

17-03-13, 14:35
what does that do i am not familiar with it?

dont worry i searched for it now gonna try thanks.

17-03-13, 14:43
it creates m3u files for all your channels, you can then copy them to your PC & stream them that way.

17-03-13, 15:08
please excuse if im being a bit thick but i have installed the server on my box, activated it, now how do i access it via the pc, i understand it has to be mounted but how do i do that im running win 7?

17-03-13, 15:12
after you run the plugin, ftp into the box & copy the created folders of m3u files to your PC.

17-03-13, 15:20
thanks its working