View Full Version : rytek uk epg

30-09-10, 19:11
ok i am still using the black hole image (yes i know sic i should be on to the new one :p but that would mean me looking for certain cams and the like )the problem is every now and then i keep losing epg form certain channles or complete bouquets and have it set to update at 2300 hrs every nite but even with that it still loses out ,any ideas for a better one?:confused:

30-09-10, 19:18
Upgrade to VIX 1.1 :D

You knew I was gonna say that! :lol3:

01-10-10, 12:25
What CAMS would you loose?
I'm sure if you ask the team nicely they can incorporate them for you?

01-10-10, 20:08
yes i knew youd say that SIC

its not the fact id lose cams i know where they go am just too lazy to change i suppose lol

01-10-10, 20:20
yes i knew youd say that SIC

its not the fact id lose cams i know where they go am just too lazy to change i suppose lol

What cam do you use? It can only be CCcam or MGcam. Just make sure you save all your configs first ;)

02-10-10, 01:13
I can only get epg to show the next two programs even though I have it set to update every day.What am I doing wrong?

02-10-10, 08:24
have u chosen ur sources correctly.

try to delete epg file, restart and then do a manual update for the epg. this should help

02-10-10, 08:45
ok i am still using the black hole image (yes i know sic i should be on to the new one :p but that would mean me looking for certain cams and the like )the problem is every now and then i keep losing epg form certain channles or complete bouquets and have it set to update at 2300 hrs every nite but even with that it still loses out ,any ideas for a better one?:confused:

I have gone over to vix fella as was on DE image myself, vix image is miles better and i mean miles better now i have had few days to play with it.
On vix i don't set mine to auto dowload epg, i do mine manually once a week as it shows 7 day epg.
If you want fella i have already sorted my bouguets out, new channels, picons etc etc, i can back up my image for you and send it over bud, as i have motorised my tuner settings have been done, not sure if you have motor, so thats all you would need to do and i will leave ccam file empty for you and you should be good to go, will then save you hassle of starting all over.
Let me know fella

02-10-10, 10:04
That sounds fantastic,
I would love to have Ur Image back up

02-10-10, 22:07
I will upload it to megaupload, it is free 1st download so no worries there bud.
I will send you the link for it via pm fella.
If any issues please don't hesitate to ask bud

02-10-10, 22:39
Link sent fella, extract the folder named vuplus then put it onto pendrive, turn box off via switch at the rear, put pendrive into front usb, turn on box and let it do the rest fella, all you need to do is put your file/s in the cccam.cfg, the long and latitude and away you go bud.
I have already sent his to a friend as he had v1.0 vix, within 3 mins he was up and running
Sent to both Tyler & Notanotherone

03-10-10, 00:04
Cheers for that I will load it tomorrow.
Your a star.

03-10-10, 10:30
Hi Foxylady, Could you please do the same for me as i would like to try the new VTI image and a newbie to the VU+. If it that easy maybe the BOSS will put it on the forum for newbies like me as it took me a week to get mine up and running.

03-10-10, 12:53
Blu-Ray it is the new v1.1 VIX image bud.
Cracking image mate, easy to navigate.
Just uploading again to a different upload site incase any issues of limited downloads.
Just doing it now, i will pm it across to you the link bud once done

03-10-10, 14:50
Do i make a folder named Vulplus on my usb stick and put the file duo in there, also i am using the PLI image will i need to put long and latitude in or will it use L/L from the PLI image.

03-10-10, 15:33
Do i make a folder named Vulplus on my usb stick and put the file duo in there, also i am using the PLI image will i need to put long and latitude in or will it use L/L from the PLI image.
Yes make folder as you said bud, then all you need to do is long and lat as i will not remember from pli as your replacing that image bud

03-10-10, 19:40
keeps telling me file you are trying to download is temporarily unavalable??

03-10-10, 21:23
keeps telling me file you are trying to download is temporarily unavalable??

Sent you another bud

07-10-10, 23:46
I will upload it to megaupload, it is free 1st download so no worries there bud.
I will send you the link for it via pm fella.
If any issues please don't hesitate to ask bud

sorry have to delete reply as it was not relative

08-10-10, 18:30
Foxylady could you please send me a link? I`m using VTI after using the DE image. I did try VIX image but I found it very basic. maybe I didn`t give it enough trial. The reason I would like to give VIX a go now is,for some reason I can`t get the Sky UK 3D channel to show what programmes are on or coming up.All the other channels show epg fine.


09-10-10, 21:09
sorry have to delete reply as it was not relative

Sorry about what?