View Full Version : crashing

mr e
11-03-13, 19:26
hi all,my vu+ duo was working great untill this morning.we had a power cut last night,and now all of a sudden i can't seem to pause or record anything.Theres a message that appears reading,timeshift not possible.Any help would be appreciated.

11-03-13, 19:36
it's possible that the device to which your timeshift is saved to is no longer mounted such as a HDD or USB stick ?.

mr e
11-03-13, 19:47
yes mate,its not mounted anymore,i've tried to mount it but it reads mount failed,cheers

11-03-13, 20:11
it's possible the powercut has corrupted the drive, if there is nothing on there you need try to initialize the drive again and then try to remount. also do you have the TSpanel installed as that has a nasty habit of causing such problems in the image too.

mr e
11-03-13, 20:55
i don't have tspanel installed,but i've tried to initialise again but,its just timming out.all my recorded programmes have gone too.any ideas please?

mr e
16-03-13, 09:21
all sorted,i've re flashed the latest vix image and it let me use my hdd again.