View Full Version : Two way satellite broadband

09-03-13, 22:42
Hey guys anyone got or had satellite broadband? What's it like? Is it worth the money? Thinking of getting it as I currently have dsl and the speeds I get are terrible tried changing isp's a few times but always end up getting the same speed, 0.7mb :( it's really bad and carnt understand why it's so slow as I only live 2 mile from my local exchange.

Mr. Mister
09-03-13, 23:22
1st.. i would call my provider.. and see what the problem is..

2nd.. stay clear of satellite broadband as the ping is way too high..

it pings at around 850 to 1000 ms..

totally useless for running STB from..

09-03-13, 23:26
Really wow that's high. Thanks for the heads up mate, going to give my ISP a ring again Monday and see what they can do for me. I carnt understand why it's so slow, carnt even watch a episode of eastenders on bbc iplayer without it pausing all the time, :(

Mr. Mister
09-03-13, 23:30
If your only 2 miles from the exchange.. you should be getting around 6-8 down..

I dont know who your provider is.. But i would have a look at BT infinity..

09-03-13, 23:57
Was thinking about bt infinity but when I done a check online they said the max they could provide me was 1mb :( I'm currently with plus net which I believe is a part of bt and they say my line speed is 1.2mb but my download speed is usually only 0.6-0.7mb just carnt understand why it's so slow when people on the same estate as me say they get on average 4.7mb download

10-03-13, 09:29
Have you tried plugging the rourer directly in to the master socket? That is the point where the line comes in to the house. Unscrew the face plate and there will be another plug behind that. Put your filter in there and try again. If any better it is likely your internal wiring that is the problem...

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

10-03-13, 12:17
Yes mate have already tried this it makes little difference whatsoever, in thinking there must be a problem with my line somewhere, as we live in a bran new house and the rest of the houses on the estate are bran new too an they say they get speeds 4 times as fast as I am getting. But when I ring my ISP up they say they test my line and don't see any problem with it :£

10-03-13, 12:33
These days satellite internet has been able to provide some improvements in bandwidth, but the large ping times (caused by the double return distance to the satellite and ground station gateway to the rest of the WWW) makes it difficult to use in some situations. This problem is reduced by 'page accelerators' built into the gateway computers at the main satellite ground station... but this may involve the use of proxy servers or other indirect methods (ie. you are not really connected to the internet directly). Basic browsing may work, but you'll find things that don't work! I used satellite because I had no other choice...

My comment on vSat based broadband internet access: http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?26590-Get-me-started-please!&p=198056&viewfull=1#post198056


10-03-13, 12:38
Try asking to have DLM disabled.
I used to have a great connection (20+meg) and slowly over 6 months it went down to 8 meg. I say 8 meg because that is what my router was saying it was conected out but in reality using speedtest I was getting about 1 meg :eek: shocking because I was paying for 24 meg!!!!!!
Their engineer said it was my modem (because I wasn't using the crappy modem "they" try to rent to you :rolleyes: ) I tried a brand new modem, same thing :mad:
In the end they sent out an engineer who said the cable from the pole in the street to my house was degraded and they replaced it a few weeks later. It was still crap!!!!!!!
Again I called the company and got to speak with someone with a brain rather than a retard reading from a pre-scriped flowsheet :p I asked to have DLM removed and they agreed that was most likely the problem the whole time.
They removed DLM and its been fantastic every since, my modem claims it is conected at 23 meg and speedtest says I have a 19 meg connection with a ping of 25 (which dropped to 15 since getting rid of wifi)

My advice, ask for DLM to be removed THEN demand an engineer to come to yout home to check the line :cool:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Line_Management#Rate_adaptation_and_BT_Who lesale.27s_.27Dynamic_Line_Management.27_.28DLM.29

10-03-13, 12:49
Okay DLM = Dynamic Line Management.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Line_Management#Rate_adaptation_and_BT_Who lesale.27s_.27Dynamic_Line_Management.27_.28DLM.29

Sounds like good advice to me... temporary problems on the line become the 'limbo bar' adopted by DLM as your maximum sync speed. What a dumb idea from BT.... I guess it works most of the time.

10-03-13, 12:55
Okay DLM = Dynamic Line Management.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Line_Management#Rate_adaptation_and_BT_Who lesale.27s_.27Dynamic_Line_Management.27_.28DLM.29

Sounds like good advice to me... temporary problems on the line become the 'limbo bar' adopted by DLM as your maximum sync speed. What a dumb idea from BT.... I guess it works most of the time.

To make things worse the "engineer" told me to reboot the modem each day :D so each time it rebooted the "internet" thought there was a problem with the line dropping the connection ;)
Idoits :p
Thankfully been great for over a year now :cool:

BTW, it not just BT. It was BT that 1st started using it.
I'm pretty sure it's been adopted worldwide (I'm with Orange in France)

10-03-13, 13:10

go here
https://www.btwholesale.com/includes/adsl/main.html type in your phone number, if that says 1 meg then its the best you will get, bbc iplayer requires a minimum download speed of 1 Mbps test here
http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/diagnostics if you do have a 1 Mbs connection taking away the overheads then you speed look about wright!!

just to check , all pc have up to date virus checkers and have been scanned for mail ware, and if you haven't already connect to the router using a network cable if you are using wireless, if you are sure your neighbor is getting better speed than you get them to run a speed test 5 times in one day, 9am 12 noon 6pm and 10 pm, and you would have to do the speed test at the same time, then send all of the test results to your isp including the telephone number and address of your neighbor. this need to be a next door neighbor as the houses across the road or behind could be routed to different BT cabs.

http://speedtest.btwholesale.com/ for the speed tests, all other PC/network devices should be disconnected from the network when the test is run also ensure the pc running all software is upto date and not running any services that use the internet (i.e Microsoft updates) if you plan to send speedtest results to your isp then you should run them from the master socket will all other extensions wiring disconnected and using a new filter. also try borrowing a different router.

hope it helps

10-03-13, 17:25
Providers make a big difference.

I was with bethere and was getting 10MB on their 12MB product, moved to TT and this dropped to 4.5 and constant disconnects - that was their shite modem.

You might want to check your internal wiring to make sure its fine.

Also you may be 2 miles from the exchange but unfortunately the cable to your house could take a much longer route.

10-03-13, 23:02
Hey thanks for all the info, you guys are awesome :)

Checked the bt wholesale site says my speed should be between 1 & 4 (I'd be happy with somewhere in the middle) better than *0.6* lol.

From the people I have spoke to on my estate they all get different speeds I asked them to do some tests for me today the results were 3.4mb 4.7mb 4.0mb 2.2mb. Now I'd be happy with any of them speeds whenever I test mine it's always 0.5mb 0.6mb an sometimes if I'm lucky 0.7mb never higher :(

Got a few old crappy routers on the loft might dig them out and set them up and give them a try from the master socket see if there's any difference.

If all above fails and I get no help from my ISP, I will be demanding for DLM to be removed from my line to see if this makes a difference.

And as for satellite broadband I will be staying well clear due to the high ping times.

Thanks for all the info much appreciated ;)

11-03-13, 18:35
If people on either side of you are getting higher speeds than its going to be either the line from the pole to your master socket or internal telephone wiring in your property

11-03-13, 19:09
If it was the internal wiring in my house wouldn't I notice something was up when using the phone?

If its the wire to the pole outside then I'm screwed because they have run them underground, and its a new housing estate so I very much doubt they will dig all the nice new Tarmac up just for me lol.

11-03-13, 19:43
With new housing estates, they tend to connect you up to cabinets in which the points are really crap, and other houses have been moved to betters points... Or at least that's what a BT engineer told me once...

So, might be you are unlucky and the point in the cabinet is rubbish

As for the internal wiring question, you wouldn't notice it with calls anywhere near as much as with your Internet connection. Which is why you are recommended to leave it connected to the master faceplate for about a week. Also, you could try removing the Bell wire within all extension points. There's no use for it with digital phones, but they're always connected up and cause interference...

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

11-03-13, 23:34
With new housing estates, they tend to connect you up to cabinets in which the points are really crap, and other houses have been moved to betters points... Or at least that's what a BT engineer told me once...

So, might be you are unlucky and the point in the cabinet is rubbish

As for the internal wiring question, you wouldn't notice it with calls anywhere near as much as with your Internet connection. Which is why you are recommended to leave it connected to the master faceplate for about a week. Also, you could try removing the Bell wire within all extension points. There's no use for it with digital phones, but they're always connected up and cause interference...

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Thanks mate will try removing the bell and leaving my router plugged into master socket see if it helps.

And yea knowing my look it will be connected to a crap cabinet :( I'm just going to keep phoning them and complaining till they send a engineer out :)

12-03-13, 01:51
The type of router you are using could have an impact on you're speeds. I'm guessing you are adsl, if you're router is quite old it may not be an adsl 2+ model. Going from normal adsl router to a 2+ router should speed you up, if that is the case.
A while back I was in a similar position, and on doing the above and changing nothing else I went from a lowly 2mb up to 10mb in an instant.
Now unfortunately I'm unhappy with the 10mb and am chomping at the bit too get fibre ready I'm my area, it seems to be taking an age :mad:

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

12-03-13, 19:19
The type of router you are using could have an impact on you're speeds. I'm guessing you are adsl, if you're router is quite old it may not be an adsl 2+ model. Going from normal adsl router to a 2+ router should speed you up, if that is the case.
A while back I was in a similar position, and on doing the above and changing nothing else I went from a lowly 2mb up to 10mb in an instant.
Now unfortunately I'm unhappy with the 10mb and am chomping at the bit too get fibre ready I'm my area, it seems to be taking an age :mad:

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

It's quiet old the one I'm using. It's a Belkin F7D2401 v1??

Would upgrading to a new one make it any better even if its just 1/2 a meg will do then I can watch stuff on bbc iplayer without it pausing every 5 seconds lol

12-03-13, 19:50
Google search the model number see if it is adsl 2+.

If it isn't I have brand new boxed Belkin 2+ adsl N router. Can't remember model number off the top of my head. If you are interested I would be willing to sell.

But check with you're router first.
Also Google search going from adsl to adsl 2+ and it will explain how it is faster.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

12-03-13, 19:58
It's quiet old the one I'm using. It's a Belkin F7D2401 v1??

your modem supports the following - ADSL Lite (G.Lite ITU G.992.2), ADSL2 G.lite (ITU G.992.4), ADSL2+ (ITU G.992.5)

it is true that a new modem could improve the speeds but so could fitting a ADSL faceplate or changing the filters.

12-03-13, 20:12
your modem supports the following - ADSL Lite (G.Lite ITU G.992.2), ADSL2 G.lite (ITU G.992.4), ADSL2+ (ITU G.992.5)

it is true that a new modem could improve the speeds but so could fitting a ADSL faceplate or changing the filters.

Thanks so not really any need to change my router then.

Have already tried changing filters got a bran new one on now and also new wires too. I have 2 old routers from previous providers I'm going to try but I carnt see putting one of there cheep crappy routers in making any difference regarding speed :( guess im just gana have to live with it :(

13-03-13, 20:56
changing routers even if they are old you may be surprised i swapped a a netgear dg843 to a dg843n and gained 4 meg this was down to the router having a different chip set, i went from Conexant to Broadcom. the DSLAM at the exchange synced better with broardcom based routers ( this was using a LLU provider )

I got my mam one of these, she use's plus net and has not been on the phone for support since i installed it
http://www.amazon.co.uk/TP-Link-TD-W8960N-300MBPS-Wireless-connections/dp/B0031SUB4S i can not say it will help your internet speed but for £28 it will improve your wifi connection.

22-03-13, 13:24
Just a quick update. Just want to say thanks for alll the good info from everyone,

After contacting my ISP many of times finally got put thro to someone with half a brain and they say that there is defo a problem with my line as they are sending 4.7mg to me but at my end I am only receiving 0.6mg :(

They have there tech team working on this issue as we speak, so hopefully all will be well soon.

Thanks again :)