View Full Version : USB Stick

Thai Smiles
09-03-13, 12:12
I cannot get my usb stick to show in mount manager :-(
I have tried 3 different usb sticks
I have tried formatting as Fat/Fat32/NTFS on laptop then formatting via USB Format Wizard on box (format as 1 partition, ext 3 experimental)
I have also tried formatting as USB stick in USB Format Wizard
My picons work and cross epg (is it cached?) but still doesn't show in Mount Manager
I am using the latest blackhole image, updated online.
Any suggestions anybody?

Thai Smiles
10-03-13, 11:18
I don't have TS-panel installed either.
Anybody help?

10-03-13, 11:25
If your picons & cross epg are stored to the USB stick & they work after a reboot, your USB stick is mounted...
No idea why you can't see it though.
Have you logged in via telnet to see how/where it's mounted?

Thai Smiles
10-03-13, 16:22
I applied this patch so my crossepg doesn't write to internal flash.
CrossEPG is working fine now.
Before I applied the patch usb was showing in Mount Manager.
After applying the patch it doesn't show!
Will telnet in later to have a look

10-03-13, 16:25
That could be your problem.

I have used USB to store EPG from CEPG and never had a problem with it changing location to internal flash on VIX.

I would remove the patch if possiable and than try, if you can't back up your settings and reflash and try