View Full Version : movies from pc to vu+ duo no go

29-09-10, 22:57
yo lads i cannot find out how to stream from pc to box,well my findmy pc but that it nothing els what have i got to do. i like thi box but i realy got in for streaming from pc the ps3s shit most of the time

01-10-10, 12:22
Well you really do not need to stream from PC just share the folder containing the movie you want to watch on your pc and use media player on vuplus to play movie from that share.

01-10-10, 14:09
yes i know that now mate but when it find my pc and files there nothing there when i play, all that comes up is the hard drive in the vu+ box so i don't know if its me or the box or the pc.
also it won't play avi files off a usb stick its asking for g somthin plugin

02-10-10, 10:09
Which image are you using on your Duo?
I know that on mine, which has openPLI on it, I had to go through the networking setup menu and define a new "share", and in so doing, navigate to the folder I wanted to use on my computer. That folder also had to be one that was being shared by SMB. Maybe something similar applies to your set up.

02-10-10, 10:27
VIX_V1.1_Team_Image mate

02-10-10, 10:52
me as well using vix 1.1 and windows 7 on pc

vu finds my pc on network but doesnt expand to show shared folders

02-10-10, 12:05
same here mate thats my prob

02-10-10, 23:20
Is it some Windozer "permissions" thing? Is there something that needs to be done to mark that folder as publicly visible, or some authentication information that needs to be set somewhere?

03-10-10, 01:57
yes i think that but my pc won't let me share i'm running windows 7 ulter

03-10-10, 02:06
Long ago I chose to avoid Microsoft products wherever possible (because of exactly this sort of nonsense!), so I can't offer much help, sorry.
But - wade through this and see if it makes any sense:


03-10-10, 14:41
got my windows 7 shares mounted now

did this

in regedit only the first bit though

got the hotfix from
installed that

then did manual mount in vu+

playing stuff though media player now on Vu

03-10-10, 17:31
sound ill have ago mate thanks

03-10-10, 17:36
what bit and where do i put it mate

04-10-10, 07:17
what bit and where do i put it mate

theses values in windows 7 registry using regedit from run in the start menu

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\LanManWorkstation\Parameters]



04-10-10, 07:53
ok got in there but now what do i do mate sozz for being a pain

04-10-10, 08:42
downloaded zip file attached

double click reg file to do the regedit thing for you

it'll add values for you

then download hotfix and run that

04-10-10, 10:50
i'm a bit worride cuzz it says the hotfix can feck my pc up,thanks

ok did the regedit thing just got to get the hot fix now

04-10-10, 10:53
ok but where the hotfix on that page mate

05-10-10, 04:56
its a email link

ms send you file location and password

05-10-10, 08:47
i got that but nothing happend when i install it i need the 64bit one mate

05-10-10, 11:57
Tried everything suggested here, still can't see my p.c files. Can someone please post exactly what info to put in mount manager if your laptop's i.p is and the shared folder is C:\share??

05-10-10, 12:04
Tried everything suggested here, still can't see my p.c files. Can someone please post exactly what info to put in mount manager if your laptop's i.p is and the shared folder is C:\share??

Been following this thread closely and im also having trouble getting media player to see shared drives / folders. Got the hotfix and made the registry changes but still cant see it, not sure i have this shares mounted properly though as this is the first time ive attempted mounting of a drive. Would also be interested to see what settings are needed in mount manager.

05-10-10, 12:15
i still carnt ether,what windows you useing i got win7 64bit wheres the hotfix mate i did get one but it was for the 32bit.

05-10-10, 12:30
I've also been following this closely I have the same problems using Win XP no matter what I cannot get it to see my PC drive(s), It sees the PC on the network but even though I have shared my whole C drive it will not show up the drive on the Duo anywhere

05-10-10, 19:27
You could try cycling the power on your Duo.
I had an issue two days ago where I wanted to dismount the volume with the network share on it so that I could rebuild its directory. When that was done, and I'm not sure if this part is relevant, I forgot to re-enable file sharing before I tried to find the shared volume from the Duo. It didn't take long to realise this, but getting the Duo to see the network share was not at all easy. Rescanning or restarting the network didn't help; setting up a new mount point didn't help. Finally, I repowered the Duo, and there was my network share!

(openPLI image)

05-10-10, 23:33
no good mate thanks anyway,this is realy doing my head in,does anyone know if you can pause a recording so you don't record the adverts,vu+ duo

06-10-10, 08:47
I set up a cifs share on my pc so I could watch movies on my VU+ Duo. I sturuggled to set it up using mount manager but if you select browse network it should list all the things it can see on your network. Select the shared folder and use one of the coloured buttons to create the mount point (not sure which button, but its's listed at the top of the screen). You should then see the the share when you typ df -h at the command line or the name of the shared folder in media player. This works fine for me using Winders XP and Open Pli image on my VU+ Duo.



06-10-10, 09:03
... if you select browse network it should list all the things it can see on your network...

That's the part that caused me trouble the other night. Until I restarted the box, it steadfastly refused to see the shared folder.

06-10-10, 09:48
You should then see the the share when you typ df -h at the command line or the name of the shared folder in media player.



Not sure where to type this in? I have shared 2 drives on my PC. Do i need to share folders also? I have made the registry change, applied the hotfix (Win7 64bit). Power cycled the VU+. I can see the PC, but i dont see anything shared on it?

06-10-10, 09:59
The df -h is a unix/linux command and is typed when you log into your VU + box (it will then list all the mounted file systems. Sorry but I cannot comment on your Windows 7 setup as I am still running XP.



06-10-10, 10:01
@ xarqi

do you have a firewall running on your PC ? can you ping your pc from your vu + box ?

06-10-10, 10:16
I have no firewall on the pc but have a linux firewall on the router between the box and pc. Was just wondering there too if there are ports that need to be forwarded? Cant check a ping at the minute as im in work.

06-10-10, 10:38
yo mate can you give me the link to the 64bit hotfix please

06-10-10, 10:43
I got the hotfix here:


Tick the checkbox for the version you need, x64 is the middle one. Fill in your details below and they email you the hotfix.

06-10-10, 11:11
Do i need to share folders also?

I'd certainly hope so. You may also need to specify which users can access them. How this is done under Windozer, I've no idea.

06-10-10, 11:59
i got that mate but itssaying when i try to install it, the update is not applicable to your computer, whats this mean mate

06-10-10, 12:48
@ xarqi

do you have a firewall running on your PC ? can you ping your pc from your vu + box ?
Two I believe, one in my modem/router/hub/access point, and a software one in my Mac. I suspect that they only affect traffic coming from beyond my LAN. As for pinging in that direction, I've never tried, so let's see:

$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

PLi? openpli vuduo

vuduo login: root
root@vuduo ~ # ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.427 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.398 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.341 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.462 ms

Yup. Slow, but I've got an upload running hogging bandwidth.

i got that mate but itssaying when i try to install it, the update is not applicable to your computer, whats this mean mate

I'm not sure what "it" is, but whatever, maybe you'd better look for a variant that matches your hardware architecture and operating system.

06-10-10, 13:34
Strange. It worked for me without a problem. Youre definately using a 64bit OS?

06-10-10, 13:35

When you browse the network from your vu+ box do you see your Mac ?

06-10-10, 14:03
its a pc and yes running win 64bit, it does see my pc but thats it, it did pic up my sons laptop running xp home and did see the files but there was nothing in there.

06-10-10, 14:15
Same as what i have even with the hotfix installed. Based on what i have read on different sites and on what xarqi says above, i may need to set up my permissions correctly on the shared folders. Found this guide on some site which im going to try when i get home from work.


Anybody have any other guides on drive mounting i would love to see them. Also any guides on mounting a NAS drive would be great as im also having trouble with that!

06-10-10, 18:38
Right, getting somewhere now. Got all the folders shared and mounted successfully. Was a permission issue on the shared folder.

I can now browse the folders in media player and can see all the sub folders, but cant see anything in them. Is there only certain types of videos can be played, and divx etc not be played?

Need to try and get my NAS mounted now.

06-10-10, 18:50

When you browse the network from your vu+ box do you see your Mac ?
Yes - that much works fairly reliably. It was when I tried to "expand" the listing for the Mac that things got a bit weird, since I couldn't, even though I'd done all I could think of at both ends to make the shared folders visible. It was cycling the main power on the Duo that I associate with this part starting to work.

Right, getting somewhere now. Got all the folders shared and mounted successfully. Was a permission issue on the shared folder.

I can now browse the folders in media player and can see all the sub folders, but cant see anything in them. Is there only certain types of videos can be played, and divx etc not be played?

Need to try and get my NAS mounted now.
Progress! Excellent.
I don't have a full answer to your question, sorry. What I can say is that while the Duo creates about 4 files for each recording event, only one entry is visible. Where I've copied a video file in, I see it. I haven't copied any other file types in to check. So far, to my delight, the Duo has played everything I've fed it: MPG, FLV, TS, AVI, DivX, XviD, MKV. This is via the "Recorded Files" function mind you, not via the "Media Player", which may be different.

06-10-10, 19:58
My mistake. divx seems to be ok, i have a lot of files in wmv format which arent seen. I guess these arent playable?

06-10-10, 21:01
My mistake. divx seems to be ok, i have a lot of files in wmv format which arent seen. I guess these arent playable?

That's one I haven't tried, sorry. I think I only have one such on my system, an email attachment somebody sent me once.

07-10-10, 03:54
What you see is what it can play.

07-10-10, 11:53
Right, getting somewhere now. Got all the folders shared and mounted successfully. Was a permission issue on the shared folder.

I can now browse the folders in media player and can see all the sub folders, but cant see anything in them. Is there only certain types of videos can be played, and divx etc not be played?

Need to try and get my NAS mounted now.

Ynwa, can you please elaborate on first the permissions issue and then your mount manager settings???

07-10-10, 12:14
i still not getting anywhee i have installed the hotfix on win7 64bit and 32 bit the box finds the pc but thats it no folders it says in the pc the files are shared so i just don't know,with this and no hd channels on the box and all the good talk about what this box can do its looking just as bad as the dm800 to me,if i don't get this sorted soon its going on ebay and ill just get a cheap box.

07-10-10, 13:34
Ynwa, can you please elaborate on first the permissions issue and then your mount manager settings???

Have a look at the first few pages of this guide. It deals with the whole permissions side.


You just need to set up a new user account on your PC, then give that user permission to access the shared folders. Then when youre mounting the drive, you use the username and password for the new user to connect. I will get you my settings when i get home from work later.

07-10-10, 13:59
thats guide is just for xp isent it mate i need a guide for window 7

07-10-10, 14:33
Yeah it works the same. Im on Win7 myself.

I think you may even just be able to go into User Account in windows 7 (if you dont do it the way of the guide), set up a new account there (I just vuplus), add a password too. then, when you go into sharing to set up the shared folder, click on permission. In there Add a new user for permission, type in the name of the new account you set up, and give them whatever permissions you need. (I just gave full control to the account).

When you go to mount the drive, use CIFS so you can enter the user name and password you just set up. make sure you get the PC IP right, and the share name will be what you shared the folder as.

ill be able to give you a better description of how i set it up when i get home and can see my settings and see the win7 screens.

07-10-10, 15:20
i'll have a go in abit mate let you know thanks

07-10-10, 17:09
Right had a quick check. Should be just a question of going to Control Panel, User Accounts. Add a new user in there (say VUPlus). Go to folder properties of the folder you want to share, in sharing you can set a name for the Share, say movies. Also in there should be a button for permissions. In there add a new user for the folder, enter name you created (VUPlus).

Then on the VU+, go to add a new mount. Use settings:

Active -- enable
Local Share Name -- movies (can be anything you want)
Mount Type -- CIFS Share
Server IP -- your Pc / Mac IP Address
Server Share -- movies (or whatever you named the share in the folder properties)
use as HD replacement -- no (i have internal HD)
mount options -- rw
username -- VUPlus (the new account i created)
password -- (enter password for the new user account)

07-10-10, 18:20
Good man ynwa, finally I have it working thanks to you. Nice easy-to follow guide as well, cheers!

07-10-10, 22:09
i have window 7 64 bit
when i mount the folder in my pc i still get a red x on earth on the mount managment?! and the earth is grayed out?!

07-10-10, 22:34
i have window 7 64 bit
when i mount the folder in my pc i still get a red x on earth on the mount managment?! and the earth is grayed out?!

The share hasnt mounted. Something is wrong on your shared folder or your mount settings. Oh and have you made the registry changes and applied the hotfix from earlier in the thread?

08-10-10, 09:35
my os is windows xp pro sp3. I followed all instructions carefully. Can not see My shared mov folder in media player.

This is my set :
Active -- enable
Local Share Name -- movies (can be anything you want)
Mount Type -- CIFS Share
Server IP -- your Pc / Mac IP Address
Server Share -- movies (or whatever you named the share in the folder properties)
use as HD replacement --Do Not know what to put (i have no internal HD, But I have an external HD)--
-mount options -- rw
username -- VUPlus (the new account i created)
password -- (enter password for the new user account

Please help

08-10-10, 10:54
me too carn't see shit looks like back to my ps3 for streeming

29-11-11, 00:34
dear ynwa, after countless hours of looking how to enable shares from my PC, your tutorial helped me. infinite thanks !!