View Full Version : Bouquet

06-03-13, 13:42
hi Guy,

I was having problems with the bouquet. So, I removed everything under /etc/enigma2/

How do I install a new set of bouquet. Please give details as I am a noob.


06-03-13, 14:42
if you are on the the latest VIX build i recommend using autobouqetmaker in the scan options.

if not use a program called dreamboxedit and download chose channel list and FTP them over to the box using that

06-03-13, 16:04
how can i tell if i have the latest image?

06-03-13, 16:06
when was the last time you did an online update?

06-03-13, 16:10
never :( Now its not even restarting :(

06-03-13, 17:04
not good at all :o take a look at this


and get the latest image from here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/enigma2/openvix/

And start again.. if you want just a sky channel list use the auto bouquet make in the scan options

06-03-13, 17:43
Hi i Just upgraded to the new Vix image.
But now the problem is that the password for root doesn't work anymore. I am stuck

06-03-13, 17:48
Hi i Just upgraded to the new Vix image.
But now the problem is that the password for root doesn't work anymore. I am stuck

ViX images dont have a password set by default, you can however set one your self using the passwd command via a telnet session

06-03-13, 17:59
if i leave it blank it doesn't let me log in :(.... I had a password before reflashing.....
Don't know what to do..

06-03-13, 18:03
The process of flashing a image first erases the old image already on the receiver then re-writes the new one to the box, where did you source the image you used as we never set a default password but others who produce the so called "backup images" always like to include a password often with the name of their forum in there somewhere.

also how are you trying to login ?, IE telnet, FTP, SSH etc etc etc.

06-03-13, 18:15
I have figured this out.... Now the EPG is empty. The cross EPG download doesnt work. Howe do I download the EPG data.

06-03-13, 18:17
in the set up link i posted it explains how to set up epg there:cool:

06-03-13, 18:19

The problem was that I was using SSH whereas I should have used telnet. Thats not sorted thanks.
However, i can't still get EPG to download for the new vix. The CROSSEPG Downloader no longer seems to work.


06-03-13, 18:21

The problem was that I was using SSH whereas I should have used telnet. Thats not sorted thanks.
However, i can't still get EPG to download for the new vix. The CROSSEPG Downloader no longer seems to work.


SSH does need a password to work so without one preset it wont allow you to login as you discovered. as for the EPG follow the link to setup as advised above.