View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] abnormalities found in unstable build623

04-03-13, 23:18

623 is a very good for anunstable build. Infobartunerstate works. :thumbsup: NewPowertimers works. :thumbsup: Thanks.

folling abnormalities i have found:

1. -Skin selection are double. A full(all installed skins) selektion in Menü->config-> skinselect.

And in Menü->config->Display-> skinseclect only with choice "default".

2. -Menu -> System-> EPG here is the menu for InfobarEPGsettings double, with various changes.


3. -then i have a chrash with installed Plugin mediainfo 0.4 in mediaplayer. only with active internal secondinfobar. see crashlog.
Skin or choice of secondinfobar are all the same. When i install Secondinfobar as separate Plugin and deactivate internal secondinfobar then chrash no longer.

Here the incompatible Plugin: 24063 Can you make it compatible?

Gruss Lothar

05-03-13, 08:41

def openMoviePlayerEventView(self):
already_open = False
if True and not already_open:
already_open = True
service = self.session.nav.getCurrentService()
filename = service.info().getName()
url = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReferen ce().getPath()
if re.match('.*?http://', url, re.S):
self.session.open(mediaInfo, True)
self.session.open(mediaInfo, False)

MoviePlayer.openEventView = openMoviePlayerEventView

from plugin.py then it should work at least it did not crash anymore on my box.


05-03-13, 10:10
3. -then i have a chrash with installed Plugin mediainfo 0.4 in mediaplayer. only with active internal secondinfobar. see crashlog.
Skin or choice of secondinfobar are all the same. When i install Secondinfobar as separate Plugin and deactivate internal secondinfobar then chrash no longer.

Here the incompatible Plugin: 24063 Can you make it compatible?

Gruss Lothar

can you post your crash log please.

05-03-13, 19:20
The crashlog is in first post in big black letters point3. :)


Thx, i will test in next hours.

Rob van der Does
06-03-13, 07:01
ad 1: it turns out that the two skinselectors serve a different purpose. One is for the skin as we know it (GUI on screen), the other (under 'display') is meant for 'skins' for the VFD. as there are at present no VFD-skins available, you only see 'default' presented. It looks like next build will hold some VFD-skins.
I agree that it is rather confusing to use the same name for different purposes.

06-03-13, 10:36
I just want to point out two issues re: built623 ,when pressing audio on remote it crashes on xp1000,also I ve tried using plugin" remote control setup" it crashes,I ll try to load the crashlog