View Full Version : Problems dowmloading Rytec-skyuk EPG and also lost epg providers

mark T
04-03-13, 20:40
Hi, I am having problems when I try to download Rytec-skyuk. If I set it to automatic update the page turns green and the VU reboots. If I manually download I only get a few channel epg's. Another thing has happened, I did have about 15 epg providers but now I only have 4 providers left. I recently managed to do a new image download BH 1.7.3 and with a lot of help it seems to be working ok. Could I have done anything to cause this problem by the new image. My mate has the same image on his VU and he has all the providers. I have also found something called Crossepg in the set up page. Is this anything to do with the Rytec. I am saving the epg to a usb stick. I tried reformatting amd rew mounting the usb but its still the same. Any help would be greatthanks

04-03-13, 21:26
Try just using crossepg, set open tv to sky
Thats all you should need

04-03-13, 22:11
Do you really need all 15 epg providers?
What sats do you have access to?