View Full Version : hey all

03-03-13, 22:20
hi all stumbled on this site whilst deciding which unit to get next and still undecided contenders are vu+ duo vu+solo2 tm-2t and amiko alien2 any help would be much appreciated currently have a blade so very very easy to use but i am wanting to record 1 whilst watching another channel so understand i need twin tuner for this other thing thats important is the updating of the box has to be relatively simple or easy to learn as im not at all comfortable with linux yet and been reading for days :confused: any help would be great :)

04-03-13, 18:21
updating will be the same for which ever box you buy if its based on E2.

Vu SOLO2 is the dogs dangle and a steal at its current price, I paid £400 when its earlier brother DUO came out.

Having said that, the TM 2T is a great performer and runs like a charm on the VIX image

05-03-13, 11:19
ok thanks i am looking at the tm-2t at the mo as with a 500gb hdd its under £300 i was originally going to get the amiko alien 2 but by the sounds of it they aren't very stable so might as well go the whole hog and get a trusted reliable 1:)