View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] add EPG features to Vix possible?

26-02-13, 06:41
Hello Guy`s

I was wondering if it would be possible and plausible to add certain features to the VIX EPG.

e.g.: I am in let’s say the sports section of the Bouquet ....I select slyports 1 and now I am viewing this channel ...I now select the EPG option and now the EPG section of the sports opens .......Now I was wondering if it would be possible to also add The Bouquets section just above so I could brows other sections, and if so desired set recordings.
I think this would be a fantastic addition to the EPG section and make recording or browsing a breeze if so desired.

I do know that there is an option in the EPG menu that enables the Bouquets to be selected, if the EPG button is selected via the remote, but this is not the same.

I do hope that it could be included in future images if possible. I think it would make a fantastic feature to an already AWSOME!!! Image.

Thanks Guy`s for all your hard work.

Best Regards.


26-02-13, 08:44
i would love that aswell

26-02-13, 10:53
If I understand your wish correct something similar should be already in. Have you tried the ch+/- button on your remote?


26-02-13, 13:20
i have asked this before and is unfortunately is a rather big coding task that no1 has attempted yet :(

26-02-13, 16:17
If I understand your wish correct something similar should be already in. Have you tried the ch+/- button on your remote?


Hi.......... the ch+/- buttons are only used in the specific Bouquet e.g.: sports to highlight that section only.

i have asked this before and is unfortunately is a rather big coding task that no1 has attempted yet :(
I realize that it would take a lot of work and coding to make this happen but am sure it would be worth it.

Best Regards


26-02-13, 18:28
i know there have been a couple of threads on this matter and they all return the same answer... Its a big job :(

i would love to see this feature personally as its the one thing i miss from my skybox!

27-02-13, 22:59
Does pressing < and > not take you between different ones?

22-04-13, 18:12
hi guys i have noticed this feature in the latest update (3.0.649) when on the epg you press the tv button on the remote and you get the bouquet selection comes up so you can change the bouquet whilst still on the same channel so you can set up your timers if you like