View Full Version : [VU+ Solo] CrossEPG download always stops at "reading summarys"

24-02-13, 22:31
my crossEPG download has been fine (open providers 28.2), downloading to media/usb but all of a sudden it wont download and complete successully.
i have tried reboot, toggling between flash memory and usb in the epg menu, rebooting again.
it always stops at the same point (reading summarys 6.54mb) and just sits there. eventually it times out after 5-10 minutes and doesnt finish the epg update.
it was working till yesterday and i can see how it can suddenly stop ?

is there anything i can try, any logs?

VIX 3.0 build 600
cossEPG 0.6.2

24-02-13, 22:37
Kill enigma through telnet - init 4
Ftp to box and delete you're epg.dat file
Next telnet - init 3 , to restart enigma.
Now do a fresh epg download
Everything should now work as normal.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

24-02-13, 22:38
What are your EPG sources?
Have you a swap file enabled? if not try it & let us know if it fixes the issue.

24-02-13, 22:52
judge: i dont have a swap file enabled. i have just tried to activate one on my media/usb and it wont. the swap manager only shows me "external" which is obviously my media/hdd. i dont think i want one there if its gonnna constantly spin. it wont see my usb even though both hdd and udb are mounted.
i am trying to pull down "open providers 28.2", its always worked till now.

mickyblueys: i will give this a go.

24-02-13, 23:09
judge: i dont have a swap file enabled. i have just tried to activate one on my media/usb and it wont. the swap manager only shows me "external" which is obviously my media/hdd. i dont think i want one there if its gonnna constantly spin. it wont see my usb even though both hdd and udb are mounted.
i am trying to pull down "open providers 28.2", its always worked till now.

mickyblueys: i will give this a go.

USB probably isn't EXT formatted so, try mickyblueys suggestion & report back.

24-02-13, 23:11
true, its fat32.
i will delete the epg and report back.

all help appreciated. thanks guys

24-02-13, 23:22
right then, i have deleted the epg file and restarted enigma: result= not great

it went further than before deleting the EPG but downloader now stops on "reading summarys 9.99mb". so further than before.
it sits there for a few minutes, then you see the VIX annimation for about 20 seconds then i get my default startup service but with no audio. i zapto another channel and come back to the default service and audio is back, but the EPG hasnt downloaded.
try it all again and get the exact same result as descibed above.

i will format my usb to ext next, create a swap file and see what happens then, but i am dont see what a difference it will make if i have 35 meg free.

24-02-13, 23:29
guys, do i format my usb with ext2 or ext3 for swapfile?

24-02-13, 23:36
right then, i have deleted the epg file and restarted enigma: result= not great

it went further than before deleting the EPG but downloader now stops on "reading summarys 9.99mb". so further than before.
it sits there for a few minutes, then you see the VIX annimation for about 20 seconds then i get my default startup service but with no audio. i zapto another channel and come back to the default service and audio is back, but the EPG hasnt downloaded.
try it all again and get the exact same result as descibed above.
Does this no audio create any crash logs?

i will format my usb to ext next, create a swap file and see what happens then, but i am dont see what a difference it will make if i have 35 meg free.
EPG downloaded can be much less than 35 meg compressed, but could easily be more when uncompressed.

guys, do i format my usb with ext2 or ext3 for swapfile?
ext2 or ext3 should be fine, ext4 might be better if you can.

24-02-13, 23:40
EPG downloaded can be much less than 35 meg compressed, but could easily be more when uncompressed.

yes ok, but my epg is going to the usb, do you mean that when the epg is unpackaged it bloats out on the internal flash memory first? before it gets written to the usb?

24-02-13, 23:43
Do the same as suggested by mickey, but before running init 3, also issue an

rm -r /media/usb/crossepg

command to remove any data already downloaded...

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

24-02-13, 23:48
yes ok, but my epg is going to the usb, do you mean that when the epg is unpackaged it bloats out on the internal flash memory first? before it gets written to the usb?

No, but when bloating out, it might be maxing out the box ram memory.

24-02-13, 23:59
i am having fun trying to get the solo to recognise the usb now its ext3, i tried mounting it to media/usb, rebooting but its status is still unknown, so now trying the option in system /hdd menu to covert to from ext3 to ext4.
will report back tomorrow how i get on.
btw, are the crash logs created in media/hdd? they were on my old PLI images but nothing here after the behavour i described earlier.

25-02-13, 00:06
btw, are the crash logs created in media/hdd? they were on my old PLI images but nothing here after the behavour i described earlier.

crash logs are created in /home/root/logs by default in ViX.
If you want to save them to USB or HDD so you still have them available after a fresh flash, you can do so in Menu -> Setup -> System -> Logs -> Settings

25-02-13, 00:34
ahhh. having no fun.
right i format ext3 and mount manager says type is unknown, so i have decided to go to ext4, but the VIX built in ext3 to ext4 format tool bombs out within a few seconds, sorry dont remember the error cos i have now deleted the ext3 partition.

is there a telnet command i can use to manually format my usb to usb4 . or a free tool for windows to do it that way. none of my windows disk tools does ext4:mad:


25-02-13, 00:37
Instead of converting ext3 to ext 4, why don't you let box initialise the USB. Then it will be ext 4.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

25-02-13, 09:33
Instead of converting ext3 to ext 4, why don't you let box initialise the USB. Then it will be ext 4.

"initialize" worked a treat cos the usb is now ext4, mounted correctly and now crossEPG is downloading, unpacking and creating the epg file on the USB perfectly. Thanks guys.

i would like to thank everyone who helped here, i really appreciate this community

i see there is a crash log for the epg crash and i am curious as to why it stopped liking fat32. dont really want to nievely post the whole log on the web as it contains lots of entries to my ISP etc etc, so i can always exrtact snipets. on the other hand i am thinking, ah forget it, at least its working now........

25-02-13, 10:23
crash logs nor debug logs contain private info such as Internet service provider, at least i have never seen one yet that does and i have seen thousands of them.

27-02-13, 02:28
I think converting to ext4 has also helped me with this same problem, thanks for the suggestion to initialise

01-04-15, 15:00
I have had exactly the same issues as above and followed Mickeyblueys advice as follows: It solved completely my issues.

Use DCC to do this operation.

Kill enigma through telnet - init 4
Ftp to box and delete you're epg.dat file (remember for most of you this file is on your USB stick)
Next telnet - init 3 , to restart enigma.
Now do a fresh epg download
Everything should now work as normal.

Thanks for the great advice!


01-04-15, 21:48
I have had exactly the same issues as above and followed Mickeyblueys advice as follows: It solved completely my issues.

Use DCC to do this operation.

Kill enigma through telnet - init 4
Ftp to box and delete you're epg.dat file (remember for most of you this file is on your USB stick)
Next telnet - init 3 , to restart enigma.
Now do a fresh epg download
Everything should now work as normal.

Thanks for the great advice!

JonathanNo need to do any of that. EPG cache and epg.dat can be cleared from the GUI. No restart needed.

menu -> setup -> system -> EPG -> Delete EPG

01-04-15, 21:57
Also handy to have a swap file enabled on this box (Vu+ Solo). :thumbsup: