View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Can someone upload filebrowswe plugin pleae?

22-02-13, 17:40

I switced from Vix to black hole latest image just to try something different. The filebrowser plugin is not in the feeds of black hole image. It is in the vix image though.

I switched back to the vix image to get the plugin, but the feeds are down! Im now back on the black hole image and need the filebrowser plugin...

can some kind soul please upload this for me


22-02-13, 17:51
Feeds are working here, just checked on my Ultimo.

What is the exact name of the plugin ??.

22-02-13, 17:53
sorry for the typo.....

its the File Browser plugin


22-02-13, 18:02
sorry for the typo.....

its the File Browser plugin


in telnet ( Via ViX ) you can use the opkg download command to download the .ipk directly from the feeds like so.

opkg download enigma2-plugin-extensions-filebrowser

this will save the .ipk to home/root

Here is a copy i just downloaded via the Ultimo although i dont know if it will work on the duo.

22-02-13, 18:18
cheers for that buddy, will check the feeds first

edit: tried the plugin that you posted, working fine! Good job mate....