View Full Version : Vu+ App

20-02-13, 14:36
Hi there

Been playing with this app on my mobile phones apart from problem it finding any movies on my hard drive the zapping and stream seems ok'ish fun but nothing i think i would really use.

Reason for this post however is i think there is a possible glitch with this and the reason why, having changed channel last night testing the app this morning i went to reboot the receiver by remote it went to show reboot warning and the spinning vix logo it when on for over 30mins in this cycle in the end I had to power off to get it to reboot properly. This is not the first time I have noticed a problem with the receiver after using the app so begs the question is there something in the app thats stopping the box from responding to remote user option or am i just starting to become paranoid ?


20-02-13, 15:29
Why not ask the author in the thread he set up ?

20-02-13, 15:53
I haven't noticed any problems with the Duo freezing while using the remote after using the app.

All works perfectly here. Great app. :thumbsup:

22-02-13, 14:09
my app crashes on iOS 6 all the time, the app itself hasnt been updated since 2011,
cost enough money also , 5.99 iirc :confused: