View Full Version : Red dot in the left coner?

16-02-13, 16:09
On 13/2 of all days during the CL game the receiver stop workin in display lights up only little red dot in the left corner can be seen, what could have happened?

16-02-13, 16:12
almost any thing could have happened and we would need a lot more information to be able to properly help you.

for example which exact image was on the receiver and did this happen while watching tv or did you find it in this state ??.

also what if any thing have you tried to do to fix this ??.

16-02-13, 16:21
As I wrote, while watching CL fotball game that ended just work, it had VIX 3.0.600
I have not tried do do anything yeat, want to know first wath to do?

16-02-13, 16:30
Did you turn off switch at back and restart image ?

16-02-13, 16:33
first thing i would do is power the receiver off by the mains and let it sit for 10 minutes. if this happened while watching live TV it sounds like a hardware failure.

16-02-13, 16:35
The power have been of now for 3 days still same thing, shuld i try with the COM port? But i have forget to how to do this with the COM port i have the tools doe.

16-02-13, 16:37

This happened to one of mine and I fixed it following these instructions.

Found this posted on another forum for those that can't fix their 'red led only problem'
just replace C807 220uF 16v with a new one or with 330uF 16v on the motherboard/

Just a few pence from Maplins. :-)

Hope this helps the resistor is close the the harddrive which makes the heat for it to fail.

16-02-13, 16:49
if it has been like this for 3 days then it is likely a hardware failure ( are you 100 percent sure no one else has messed with the box, ie flashed the wrong bootloader ??. I am not accusing you of any thing just trying to be thorough ).

or you could try the above suggestion but there are no guarantees with this.

How old is the receiver ??.

16-02-13, 16:49
Can you email me the link at bondra@passagen.se, there is no power at all to the box the fan back in the corner dont work att all, must be the MB with the power supply?:confused:

16-02-13, 16:53
receiver is to years old and no one has messing with it it just happen watching CL fotball match, thas wath it makes strange, wath does the red dot mean, if it lights up red it must get power yes or no?

16-02-13, 16:54
well it's obviously still getting power hence the red light, i'd say it's likely the above posted capacitor may have failed but thats just a guess on my part.

16-02-13, 16:59
IF it get power should not the fan in the box work?
Can you tell me how to connect to the box with COM cable

16-02-13, 17:02
you can try to generate a bootlog using PUTTY with the following settings and a RS232 null modem cable.

16-02-13, 17:09
Where can i find the NFI file?
I will use VU+ Util

16-02-13, 17:13

This happened to one of mine and I fixed it following these instructions.

Found this posted on another forum for those that can't fix their 'red led only problem'
just replace C807 220uF 16v with a new one or with 330uF 16v on the motherboard/


Just a few pence from Maplins. :-)

Hope this helps the resistor is close the the harddrive which makes the heat for it to fail.

16-02-13, 17:14
Where can i find the NFI file?
I will use VU+ Util

you will have to try one of the Vu original image .nfi files as ViX dont produce images in this forum. we only produce images in USB format.

16-02-13, 17:26
Is there any guide that i can follow to pun in a FNI file in the box? :confused:
I use to know this but i have no done it for sevral years now :(

16-02-13, 18:34
No i cant connect to the Box with serial cable with Vu+ Util, the red dot can not mean that is still power on. There is no power to the box not even the HDD react when i turn on the power button, must be something else:confused:

16-02-13, 19:15

This happened to one of mine and I fixed it following these instructions.

Found this posted on another forum for those that can't fix their 'red led only problem'
just replace C807 220uF 16v with a new one or with 330uF 16v on the motherboard/


Just a few pence from Maplins. :-)

Hope this helps the resistor is close the the harddrive which makes the heat for it to fail.

Sorry my mistake its a capacitor not resistor :-(

You can find one here if you have Maplins local to you http://www.maplin.co.uk/radial-electrolytic-capacitors-13472
I used the PC Elect 220uF 16V


17-02-13, 01:12
Hi Mate

If you have the red light problem it could be whats been talked about already with the cap. What you found out is exactly what i did ..no response from the usb ports or null modem with the vu utils so you need to find a tv engineer who can check it out unless its under warranty still


Rob van der Does
17-02-13, 05:36
IF it get power should not the fan in the box work?
No: the fan will start in a certain stage of the boot process. Your box doesn't reach that phase.

24-02-13, 16:10
Ok boys, listen up!
All advice here in previous posts is correct!
Lucky for me, I'm an electronics engineer.
Had the same red dot of death issues, and replaced C807 a few minutes ago, and it all sprung back in to life:)
Please don't spend out on an expensive PSU without checking first, all the voltages on the connector to the Motherboard.
Voltages must be checked on load with the connector in place!!!

PM me if you need any help with this.

Not into making profits from this, but here to advise.

24-02-13, 16:28

This happened to one of mine and I fixed it following these instructions.

Found this posted on another forum for those that can't fix their 'red led only problem'
just replace C807 220uF 16v with a new one or with 330uF 16v on the motherboard/


Just a few pence from Maplins. :-)

Hope this helps the resistor is close the the harddrive which makes the heat for it to fail.

It's an Electrolytic Capacitor, not a resistor.
Hope you don't mind the correction;)
Also remember, that it's polarity concious people!!!
Cycloxit is correct with regards to the possible cause :-)

24-02-13, 18:18
just got this today i would appreciate some help thx and pm is on its way cheers


24-02-13, 19:50
Ford, if you have the time, rather than the PM to you, can you do a step by step guide please and we can make it a sticky

24-02-13, 22:55
Ford, if you have the time, rather than the PM to you, can you do a step by step guide please and we can make it a sticky

Will do Stan.
Pls give me a day or 2.
Ill take pics, and post it here.
Will be my first stickey ever lol
Appreciate the thanks bro.
I'll do my best, but soldering is an art.
I'll show members how to do it without removing the Motherboard also, to replace the cap.
Easy peasy.
I'll do it Tue night when i'm free from repairing all these sodding two way radios:p

24-02-13, 22:57
just got this today i would appreciate some help thx and pm is on its way cheers


PM sent bud, but will make a new thread on Tue with pics, and give a part number for RS components.
Cheap, quick, and easy:)

25-02-13, 08:51
Top man ;-)


01-03-13, 14:47
Did you make a new thread with pics? Link me 2 it.

01-03-13, 14:54
Did you make a new thread with pics? Link me 2 it.

Two very extensive threads detailing exactly this have been created and made stickies in this very section in the past 2 days.

06-03-13, 01:24
Did you make a new thread with pics? Link me 2 it.

Please look here mate.



06-03-13, 01:27
Did you make a new thread with pics? Link me 2 it.

Here also mate.


03-10-15, 20:44
I know this is an old thread, but I have the issue and I replaces the capacitor c208 with one a mate gave me, my question is, even though my box is now booting again, the values of the replacement are 24v 445uf and 105 Oc.. Is this safe esp as the old one was only 16v?