View Full Version : No hdd or hdd not initialized

11-02-13, 15:10
Hi all am new to all this
I have a vu+duo
When I try to record I get message no hdd or hdd not initialised
The hard drive is there when I check in systems
When I try to initialize /format it gives me a message cannot unmount device a record in progress,timeshift or some external tools( like samba and nfsd)may cause this problem please stop action/applications and try again
The record and everything has worked fine till recently
Can anyone please help and maybe give me step by step instructions on how to sort it
Aim am using vti

11-02-13, 21:56
You probably wont get much help as most users use VIX.

Never used VTI but does it have a mount manager section? if so go in there and make sure its mounted as a HDD