View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] crash logs and bug logs

10-02-13, 20:44
this has been happing most of the day today ,

Rob van der Does
11-02-13, 13:16
There is a problem with the VPS-plugin you have installed. Please un-install it, and see how you go from there.

11-02-13, 14:33
thanks rob

Rob van der Does
11-02-13, 15:33
You keep us posted, I hope?

11-02-13, 23:20
uninstalled it and seems to be ok up to now , also found the xlmt importer when on inport when booting , causeing it to crsah , so i have disabled that that seems to be ok too

11-02-13, 23:47
uninstalled it and seems to be ok up to now , also found the xlmt importer when on inport when booting , causeing it to crsah , so i have disabled that that seems to be ok too

can you upload one of the generated crash logs please.

12-02-13, 11:42
ref 1360619775.92

these happened last night

12-02-13, 11:57
Ice Films is known to be a buggy plugin.
Also, what are your current EPG sources?

12-02-13, 12:15
will check the epg soures out for you , i am useing cross epg as i have multi sat

12-02-13, 14:15
will check the epg soures out for you , i am useing cross epg as i have multi sat

crossepg :
XMLTV providers = all ticked
OPEN tv providers = 13.0e & 28.2e ticked
XEPGD providers = all ticked
Scripts providers = all ticked
MHW2 providers = all ticked
Update rytec providers = cannot connect to server
Update XEPGDB = 32 providers updated (this always says the same )

hope it helps

12-02-13, 14:20
that's an awful lot of EPG data to process, do you really need them all?

Rob van der Does
12-02-13, 14:21
crossepg :
XMLTV providers = all ticked
OPEN tv providers = 13.0e & 28.2e ticked
XEPGD providers = all ticked
Scripts providers = all ticked
MHW2 providers = all ticked
Update rytec providers = cannot connect to server
Update XEPGDB = 32 providers updated (this always says the same )

hope it helps
This is a HUGE amount of data your box is going to import: I don't think any box can coop with that.
Why don't you limit the import to what you actually use? And certainly you don't want to double imports, as you do now :confused:

12-02-13, 14:22
tbh i dpnt know as i am new to linux and i have not realy seen a guide on how to set it up

12-02-13, 14:24
only use the providers you need. makes things work a lot smoother...
what sats do you have access to?

12-02-13, 14:27
sorry guys to of wasted your time as it must of been my fault , will have a look at what sats i have tuned in at the mo , not finshed putting them all in yet

12-02-13, 14:43
sorry guys to of wasted your time as it must of been my fault , will have a look at what sats i have tuned in at the mo , not finshed putting them all in yet

sats i have , 45e.36e,33e,31.5e.30.5e,28.2e,26e,23.5e,19.2e16e,1 3e,10e,9e,7e,4.8e,0.8w,5w,7w,8w,12.5w.30w, and useing catseyes settings

12-02-13, 18:19
Dont have any more that 4 or 5 epg sources ticked

Rob van der Does
12-02-13, 18:21
Cross is fine for OpenTV; XMLTV-importer is fine for the rest.
Don't exaggerate the number of thicks; only import what you really need.

12-02-13, 23:18
thanks all for your input on this

14-02-13, 16:20
i removed the icefilms plug in , but then vix disapperad from my menu (dont know why or how ) but any way refalshed box and working alot better now , just thought i would let you guys know as you have been most helpful , and linux is still a big learning curve for me