View Full Version : Re-flash question.

10-02-13, 14:12
When I do a fresh flash are there any old files/settings remaining from previous image?


10-02-13, 14:14
When you re-flash it over-writes everything, just like a PC re-install.
You can backup settings to a USB stick or HDD if you like 1st ;)

10-02-13, 14:19
Thanks marty. Moved a duo to another tv and some strange things happening. Don't want to troubleshoot it and decided that a fresh flash will give a clean setup - just checking that nothing would remain. Cheered again.

10-02-13, 14:23
it's a common myth populated on a few forums that parts of the previous image remain and that you need to "flash the original Vu image to flush the cache" ( exact quote i read some where else ), as pointed out above however, the process of flashing the box first erases the flash ( where the image is held ) then flashes the new one.