View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] PQ issues with ViX 3.0 images ??

20-12-12, 22:55
is anyone noticed poor picture quality on this image, i had vix 2.4 installed until today and pic quality as superb

but unfortuanetly now i feel that there is issues regarding the picture not being as fluent, a bit stuttery, almost lik the duo resorces are being used more than on 2.4 and causes this draggy look to picture,

does vix3 use more resources?

i notice from bally12345 he is mentioning fan issues that he never had before, that wud also indicate a higher demand on teh duo resources, like ram, memory etc, mayb that has something to do with what im noticing visually??

21-12-12, 22:23
[QUOTE=richca;181424]is anyone noticed poor picture quality on this image, i had vix 2.4 installed until today and pic quality as superb

but unfortuanetly now i feel that there is issues regarding the picture not being as fluent, a bit stuttery, almost lik the duo resorces are being used more than on 2.4 and causes this draggy look to picture,

does vix3 use more resources?

I have noticed this also I have compared the pictures from Vix and BH and I think the BH is better.

22-12-12, 05:13
[QUOTE=richca;181424]is anyone noticed poor picture quality on this image, i had vix 2.4 installed until today and pic quality as superb

but unfortuanetly now i feel that there is issues regarding the picture not being as fluent, a bit stuttery, almost lik the duo resorces are being used more than on 2.4 and causes this draggy look to picture,

does vix3 use more resources?

I have noticed this also I have compared the pictures from Vix and BH and I think the BH is better.

impossible as said on a number of occasions even by the BH coders, PQ is affected by the drivers and both images use the same drivers.

Rob van der Does
22-12-12, 06:52
does vix3 use more resources?
And I repeat: playback doesn't cost resources, as you can see yourself by running 'top' in terminal. Playback is done in hardware, and uses only some 1-4% CPU.

If PQ is doubted, one should:
1- See if this is the case for SD or HD contents. HD contents is not influenced by the box; SD contents can be influenced by a scaler that has been set too high.
2- Check that all so-called 'video-enhancers' (including overscan) ot the TV have been disabled for the used input.

22-12-12, 15:11
Thanks for the info I would like to say the PQ with Vix is good and if I did not compare it with BH I would be happy.
When I compare the PQ only in HD the Vix image is not as sharp or crisp as the BH.
I would add that I did use User Interface to position the menu on screen. I tried video enhancement to no avail.
Also BH is in flash and Vix Meoboot (usb)

22-12-12, 15:20
Thanks for the info I would like to say the PQ with Vix is good and if I did not compare it with BH I would be happy.
When I compare the PQ only in HD the Vix image is not as sharp or crisp as the BH.
I would add that I did use User Interface to position the menu on screen. I tried video enhancement to no avail.
Also BH is in flash and Vix Meoboot (usb)

if you had to re-position the OSD then your TV like most others has overscan enabled, it would be best to disable this via the TV it self as your currently loosing any thing up to 2 inches or more visible picture on all inputs due to overscan ( or what ever the manufacturer has decided to call it ).

Rob van der Does
22-12-12, 15:47
....Also BH is in flash and Vix Meoboot (usb)
Please, don't do that. Why would you go this 'dangerous' way? Now you have no idea what is causing problems, but apparently something is. These days we have so easy-to-use backups you can easily and quick swap images.

Anyway: we can't possibly give any support if you don't flash your box properly (i.e. not using any form of multiboot).

And I repeat: the only thing that controls the PQ is the driver, and all images use the same.

23-12-12, 21:15
I have been having PQ issues - I believe caused by the Settings within the User Interface.

My tv is a HD Ready Pioneer Kuro, 1024x768. It is set to EDID colour Space. My concerns were very poor HD PQ, stutter occasionally, and the recent white lines at the edge of the screen (in another post). The User Interface settings had been changed to get the overlay on screen. My tv has no overscan feature to turn off. The transparency settings were also adjusted, but don't think this was to blame.

My solution to fix it - reverting to the default settings (yellow button) within the User Interface. I am not sure why, but PQ is normal (great HD), and the white lines have stopped occurring too.

I have the Resolution set to 1080i, so I think SD content is being upscaled within the Duo to this. I will be looking to use AutoResolution, to try and do this outside the box. I want a "video bypass" option within the Duo, to ensure I can set my system up better.

I have gone back to try and duplicate the issue - and I can't. But no other changes were made.

It's a work in progress for me, with help from others on here. but I hope this helps...

24-12-12, 01:12
Do you have the same issues if you set A/V Settings Mode to 720p?

26-12-12, 10:50
Im glad to see its not just me,

i agree that its not really noticable on HD, as pic quality is good, however on SD it seems laggy, not fluent as i previously explaned on my previous post

to be honest guys, im sitting here at this precise moment considering going back to 2.4 or even another image, as i am so disappointed in this image, I do appreciate all the work that goes into these images, but sorry guys you have failed on this occasion for me,

i think someone in the team should look at these concerns, as they are not just a figment of our imagination,

also one other thing i have noticed, is that the signal strengths are very much down on this image, i was showing 99% or sky1 and now down to 88%, this is not due to weather or movement of dish, its the image that has caused this one, as my other box still shows the same signal strengths, maybe someone can look at that also


10-02-13, 12:57
moved here from http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?20200-New-ViX-Team-VU-Duo-OE3-0 please in future try to exorcise a little more care in where you make such posts as they tend to get lost in such large general threads.