View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] updated image removed my bootlogo

31-01-13, 20:09
I am running version 589 and ive just installed a online software update that must have been put up today, anyway i done the update and it re-booted sysystem, and it somehow removed my boot.mvi files with the default ones, anyway Ive reinstalled my own boot files again,and everything is back to normal.... i just thought i should share this in case anybody else has this small issue .....cheers !!

10-02-13, 08:15
moved here from the http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?20200-New-ViX-Team-VU-Duo-OE3-0 thread.

Please in future choose your post location with more care as it's getting hard to find posts in threads such as that above.

Rob van der Does
10-02-13, 09:51
A boot logo can't have been changed by an online update: it must be flashed into the box.
If you mean the ViX-background logo (the winterly landscape) the behaviour is correct: it's a system file and an online update will (try to) restore system files.