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09-02-13, 09:19
TeamRed image preveiw.


Team Red say
there will be new image tomorrow , or better said later on today

10-02-13, 13:30
I've been having a play this morning with it and I will be as unbiased as possible in what I have to say on it ;)

1st I'll reveiw the looks.

1. Looks flash and fancy, bootup video is very good.
2. Nice graphics.

Next on how it performs.

1. Aperas to take longer to boot compared to other images (most likely due to the video?)
2. Menu is messy and difficult to navigate.
3. Once the menu was sussed setup was more or less like and other E2 box

I had FTA channels up in no time but could not get CCCAM to work (you could choose it but there is no button to 'save' :confused: )
No Wifi dongle would work (I have 4 or 5 here, all work on VIX on my Quad and TM-SINGLE and parents DUO)
EPG was horrid :eek:

For me I'll stick to VIX :cool: (not knocking any other image but I've said time and again VIX is the most user friendly and has a really nice layout)

10-04-13, 13:47
Do you have any screenshots of the EPG? I am getting fed up with the VIX image and recording problems and looking for alternative images. Your assessment is as you find it, have you tried any other images?


10-04-13, 17:32
I'm sorry you are having problems :( I find VIX rock solid with my quad :confused:
I don't know anything about the EPG but I would suggest doing an image backup of VIX then install TR image and see for yourself (then you can reflash you saved version of VIX when you realise it isn't really what you wanted ;) )

As for your VIX problem, tried a new install without doing any backups? (ie a fresh setup)