View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Stuck on Startup

08-02-13, 23:37
Hi Folks
Been running Vix 3.0 perfectly on my vu+du for last few months until yesterday. Crashed and on reboot was stuck on loading page. Every few mins small spinning vix appears then disappears. Carried out a full reflash reflash (3.0.204). Working fine but on reboot same issue. Tried to reflash using backup settings. Same thing.

Seems similar to this.

Any help appreciated!

08-02-13, 23:48
204 is quite old now, try build 600 available on http://www.world-of-satellite.com/enigma2/openvix/index.php?dir=Vu%2BDuo/

08-02-13, 23:58
That was dim of me. For some reason thought .024 was latest.
All sorted thanks so much. Just saved my marriage (not necessarily a good thing :cool:)