View Full Version : Tv comes on when Duo on standby.

26-09-10, 22:54
I've had this problem for a while now. I have my Duo hooked up to my tv via HDMI. I switch the box off when I go to bed (i.e standby) but in the morning the tv is on while the box is in standby. It's weird because the only connection to my tv is through the HDMI. I am using VTI image. I appreciate your help.

27-09-10, 20:30
My brother has the same problem, using DE 133F image. The only thing I can think of is that downloading (auto) Rytec-epg data, leaves the box on afterwards...
Do you also use auto epg in the morning?

28-09-10, 10:17
Thanks MyB5. the only way I have managed is to put it in deep standby overnight, this of course means that i do not record overnight. I have disabled the auto epg and will see if it makes a difference.

28-09-10, 12:13
got the same problem here.
and added to this the epg program keeps resetting it's self to disabled mode.

this is on the Gigant last and the new VIX images.

regards: canthackit

29-09-10, 18:47
canthackit m8 you obviously live up to your nickname ......with all the problem you are having..lol. What I did was to go into "Vix" in "setup" and changed the time for the epg automatic daily download.

29-09-10, 22:26
Hi mates

I put the box into standby mode at night but twice so far when it comes to starting the box again it does not respond to the remote in the end i have to power off from the rear switch and reboot. I dont have any epg enabled so can discount that as the problem. Anyone else having this problem
