View Full Version : Ver 3.0 bug

04-02-13, 13:27
Anything in a folder can't be deleted manually from the trash can. e.g I delete an uploaded movie (in a folder) to the box, delete it and it stays in the trash after it's supposed to be deleted. So I try to manually delete it and it won't.


Rob van der Does
04-02-13, 15:37
Which image are you using?

07-02-13, 22:49
Latest v3.0 build 587

07-02-13, 23:03
Can you try build 600 & report back.
It's working fine here.

09-02-13, 20:33
OK will do

09-02-13, 21:30
Same cannot delete a folder with files inside

3 different machines. Fresh flash and install.


09-02-13, 21:37
I'm confused. Are you trying to delete a folder or a file?

16-02-13, 23:55
A folder with files inside it. It worked in 2.4 but not 3.0.

17-02-13, 00:10
In file-list screen, red-button moves a folder to trash here on ViX 607, have you plugins installed that could mess up functionality?

25-02-13, 14:56
mmmm which brings me to the next problem. Mine is stuck on vix 600, there is an update and it goes through the update process and reboots. But on reboot it's still on 600 and the update is still there.

btw no "extra" plugins are installed


25-02-13, 14:57
mmmm which brings me to the next problem. Mine is stuck on vix 600, there is an update and it goes through the update process and reboots. But on reboot it's still on 600 and the update is still there.

btw no "extra" plugins are installed


This has been discussed many times, read the following thread for more info.


25-02-13, 15:16
Brilliant cheers. Still on vix 600 with no more updates available.

Back to the original problem - I can delete files if i go into the directory, but not the directory. I wonder if it's a permissions problem? Is there a way to reset the dir permissions?


25-02-13, 15:20
have you actually disabled the recycle bin first before trying to delete it ?.

menu> setup> system> Recording settings> use trash can in movie list yes/no.

31-03-13, 13:00
Right more info on the Can't delete Folders from the trash.

Right I can seem to delete files and folders and they go to the trash folder, however if i want to delete them immediately from the trash folder then you cannot delete a folder that has anything inside it. You can however go inside the folder delete the individual items one by one and then delete the folder (not funny if it was a series with 30 - or 40 episodes in it).

Now here's the kicker - if you pre-ordered those 40 items in the folder VIX created a hidden file called ".e2settings.pkl" (you can see this in ftp but not on the box). Now because you cannot delete a folder in the trash that has a file in it then the folder cannot be deleted .... because it has the hidden ".e2settings.pkl" file in it. Like I said though, on the VIX interface this file is hidden so the folder loks empty, but it actually isn't. I have confirmed this by trying to delete the seemingly empty folder on the vix interface (does not work). Then going onto ftp deleting the ".e2settings.pkl" that is hidden to the vix interface, then going back to the vix interface and then the folder does delete.

So two problems for me.

1) The hidden ".e2settings.pkl" is stopping the removal of folders because the vix interface wont allow you to remove folder from the trash that contain anything in them.

2) Not being able to delete folders from the trash with anything in them and having to remove the folders contents one by one.
