View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Vix is resistant incompatible? Why?

04-02-13, 12:21

since build 3xx VIX Image is increasingly incompatible. More and more 3rdparty plugins dont work with VIX. :mad: I find thats not a good way to the future.
The latest example, since build600 now "infobartunerstate" leads to crash the Box. see log: 23296

Why are you taking little "real" improvements, but more and more you away from your legendary kombatibilität/stability?

My suggestion:
Go back to build 204, build in HbbTV, and other new functions, without losing the kombatibilität to 3rdparty plugins out of sight.
As it is now, I can not recommend your image. Sorry for the harsh words.

Gruss Lothar

04-02-13, 12:31
Hi lothar,
there is a recordinfobar which almost does the same.

btw. VU+ seems to plan a new OE and then we will see what is compatible. If VU+ is wise then it will go into the OpenPLi direction.


04-02-13, 12:39
It's not only the Infobar. There are more to come plugins which lost its function.
Is VIX=VU? I think not. Keep yourselves closer to OpenPLi, for there 3rd party plugins work today.

04-02-13, 13:04
We are not responsible for Thirdparty plugins ultimately it's their authors who must maintain their own work, in some cases we will update and maintain some but thats not always possible or desirable. we do have our own built in versions of the more common popular plugins which we can update as and when needed.

as for keeping close to pli why ? if you want pli then by all means use Pli but this is ViX not pli or as some think pli with a skin. yes we will still cherry pick the pieces we want from pli as they do from us but in the end we are separate entities.

04-02-13, 14:24
Hello pheonix,

almost no author is willing to make an adjustment extra for VIX, if everything works in various other images.
Moreover, not even an alternative system plugins from the feed will not work correctly.

for example:
Autoshutdown= ignore current recordings when changing Box to deepstandby
recordinfobar = Positon Outside the screen and ignored settings in position menu (before issues arise, overscan is "OFF")

04-02-13, 14:29
Hello pheonix,

almost no author is willing to make an adjustment extra for VIX, if everything works in various other images.
Moreover, not even an alternative system plugins from the feed will not work correctly.

for example:
Autoshutdown= ignore current recordings when changing Box to deepstandby
recordinfobar = Positon Outside the screen and ignored settings in position menu (before issues arise, overscan is "OFF")

if you find any part of the image that does not do what its supposed to then report it, otherwise how are we to know ??.

as for the individual authors thats their decision but as Pli frequently say it's for the author to maintain his own work and make it compatible with the images not the other way around. The OE-Alliance maintain their own repository of compatible plugins for use by all member teams, but we cant always stifle our own work just so a certain plugin remains compatible, and nor would any other image team or software developer in the world.

04-02-13, 14:47
if you find any part of the image that does not do what its supposed to then report it, otherwise how are we to know ??.

Done for long time:

Autoshutdown (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?20200-New-ViX-Team-VU-Duo-OE3-0-Discussion&p=188580&viewfull=1#post188580)

RecordInfobar (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?2763-Plugin-s-that-are-not-in-ViX-feeds&p=179139&viewfull=1#post179139)

Rob van der Does
04-02-13, 14:51
almost no author is willing to make an adjustment extra for VIX, if everything works in various other images.
Moreover, not even an alternative system plugins from the feed will not work correctly.

for example:
Autoshutdown= ignore current recordings when changing Box to deepstandby
recordinfobar = Positon Outside the screen and ignored settings in position menu (before issues arise, overscan is "OFF")
1- We will not stop development beacuse of the fact that plugin authors are not willing to upgrade their work.
2- AutoShutdown is obsolete for ViX: we have more comprehensive functionality in our PowerTimers (in fact the flaw you mentioned was one of the reasons for that).
3- Regarding RecordInfobar: Magic-HD has a specific screen to compensate for that. I'll try to embed that in the basic skin as well. Thanks for reporting that.

04-02-13, 15:50
2- AutoShutdown is obsolete for ViX: we have more comprehensive functionality in our PowerTimers.

more comprehensive functionality? Yes, but without the one important functionality from AutoShutdown.
hence, provided first Power Timer with this function, then make AutoShutdown incompatible is the right way.

3- Regarding RecordInfobar: Magic-HD has a specific screen to compensate for that.

where can i find the screen for compensate that in Magic-HD? nothing found. "Increase direction" and "X/Y Position" in Menu from Recordinfobar do nothing.
Moreover, also Recordinfobar show only one record in half. it's just a cheap substitute for a good Plugin. :confused:


Rob van der Does
04-02-13, 15:58
more comprehensive functionality? Yes, but without the one important functionality from AutoShutdown.
You probably mean without the bug as you reported AutoShutdown to have.

where can i find the screen for compensate that in Magic-HD? nothing found. "Increase direction" and "X/Y Position" in Menu from Recordinfobar do nothing.
Moreover, also Recordinfobar show only one record in half. it's just a cheap substitute for a good Plugin. :confused:

The 'increase' function of the plugin doesn't work (it's obsolete).
No idea how you managed to get that screen: attached a screenie how it looks like here (in Magic-HD).


And if you're so dissatisfied with ViX, please: do yourself a favour and divert to an other image. There are plenty to choose from.

04-02-13, 22:59
Problem with InfoBarTunerstate solved. :fart2:

I have add this Code found in history to RecordTimer.py in section "def calculateFilename(self):" and Infobartunerstate works great on new Build.

self.MountPath = None
if not self.dirname:
dirname = findSafeRecordPath(defaultMoviePath())
dirname = findSafeRecordPath(self.dirname)
if dirname is None:
dirname = findSafeRecordPath(defaultMoviePath())
self.dirnameHadToFallback = True
if not dirname:
return None
self.MountPath = dirname

Rob van der Does
05-02-13, 09:53
I can't get this to work. Could you please upload the complete py?

05-02-13, 12:44
Problem with InfoBarTunerstate solved. :fart2:

I have add this Code found in history to RecordTimer.py in section "def calculateFilename(self):" and Infobartunerstate works great on new Build.

self.MountPath = None
if not self.dirname:
dirname = findSafeRecordPath(defaultMoviePath())
dirname = findSafeRecordPath(self.dirname)
if dirname is None:
dirname = findSafeRecordPath(defaultMoviePath())
self.dirnameHadToFallback = True
if not dirname:
return None
self.MountPath = dirname

that will bypass, enoguh free space check, and you could end up with flash full but up to you :D

05-02-13, 18:53

Of which I unfortunately do not know. But what have dirname and path to do with bypassing freeppace?
In crashlog was expelled exactly on these lines in the recordtimer.py.

I can't get this to work. Could you please upload the complete py?

see attachment.
I also the infobartunerstate.py attached. Maybe you can change something so that it is compatible to the VIX? Thank you.

Gruss Lothar

05-02-13, 20:30

Of which I unfortunately do not know. But what have dirname and path to do with bypassing freeppace?
In crashlog was expelled exactly on these lines in the recordtimer.py.

see attachment.
I also the infobartunerstate.py attached. Maybe you can change something so that it is compatible to the VIX? Thank you.

Gruss Lothar

as i said BEFORE this code is run it check for free space and correct mountpionts, the plugin does not do this.