View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] No data in Single EPG

01-02-13, 12:31
I have updated my box yesterday after a while to 589 and noticed that the red button is not working, when pressing there is a TV showing on a right top corner but nothing (black) on left hand side. On previous image when watching a channel and pressing a red button I would see a listing for that channel bur as I said that does not work now, I even reinstalled the image but the issue remains. Any help appreciated.

01-02-13, 15:13
Just to clarify that single epg is not working for me when pressing a red button and also when changing from multi to single epg on infobar epg settings.

01-02-13, 15:26
Used to press red button and had 7 day listings.
Since I download latest update I have nothing showing when I press the red button.
I have program listings with yellow button but only same program on multi listings.
How can I get multi program's lists back on red button.?
I also would like to know how to fix this

01-02-13, 16:54
Anyone please?

Rob van der Does
01-02-13, 17:06
No idea: works fine here on all my boxes.

01-02-13, 22:43
Even after loading latest image it still is not sorted.

I got new uno from sponsor with latest image and on that box it's perfect.

I would be great full if someone to help us fix this.

01-02-13, 22:47
No issues with red button here either.
If you update to build 596, does this still happen?

01-02-13, 23:10
No issues with red button here either.
If you update to build 596, does this still happen?

Where do you get 596 version, as far as I know the latest image is is 589 (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/enigma2/openvix/index.php?dir=Vu%2BDuo/)

01-02-13, 23:16
Using build 586.
Still same problem

01-02-13, 23:16
Online update.

01-02-13, 23:18
Taught there is problem with latest build ?

01-02-13, 23:21
Majority of issues have been fixed, 596 is pretty safe to update to.

01-02-13, 23:23
Hope if fixes issue.
Thanks mate

01-02-13, 23:28
Hope if fixes issue.
Thanks mate

worth a try anyway...
saying that, I've never had a red button issue on any of the builds.
if the online update doesn't work, maybe a fresh flash without restoring any settings or plugins.

01-02-13, 23:48
No good mate.
Ill have reinstall image :(

01-02-13, 23:51
sounds like you have some incompatible plugin installed then?
or, are you using the MQB plugin? or changed 'use VIX coloured buttons'?

02-02-13, 00:18
Online update.

I get "nothing to upgrade" when trying to update software online!

02-02-13, 00:25
sounds like you have some incompatible plugin installed then?
or, are you using the MQB plugin? or changed 'use VIX coloured buttons'?

No mate changed nothing.

I will do full image reinstall to fix it, seems easyist way out.

02-02-13, 00:29
I did a full reinstall three times and the issue remains.

02-02-13, 00:32
Ah man don't tell me that. Lol

I did a full reinstall three times and the issue remains.

02-02-13, 00:33
Sorry mate, but maybe you have a better luck than me.

02-02-13, 00:43
so 2 of you have the same red button issues?
what image version & what box?

I get "nothing to upgrade" when trying to update software online!
Image is still labeled as unstable, enable unstable updates if you want to update.
Menu -> Setup -> System -> Software Update -> Allow unstable updates = yes

02-02-13, 00:47
Image is 589 and the box is VU+DUO. Will try to update box now and see what happens.

02-02-13, 00:56
Just updatet image to 596 version but the issue remains.:mad:

02-02-13, 01:42
I have vu uno latest image

02-02-13, 01:52
I have vu uno latest image

'latest image' really means nothing as thankfully images are built daily/hourly...
please, when reporting issues, also include the build number.

Rob van der Does
02-02-13, 06:51
Build 596 is 'the latest' image online, so I suggest you do an online update.
If the problem is still there:
1- do you have MQB installed? If so, please de-install it.
2- Or any other plugin? Please tell us which ones.
3- Reflash and don't restore any settings or plugins. Check the problem has gone now. Then restore settings (only settings) and check if the problem is still absent. Then restore plugins and check again.

02-02-13, 07:57
i have the same problem with the vu+ solo2 for the last few red(unstable) updates.

Last time i updated to an unstable update was 2 days ago not sure what build, but red button doesnt work for me either, i get a blank epg screen.

When i scroll to a channel and hit the epg button on the remote the 7 day appears normally, but while tuned to a channel and i press the red button, nothing!

02-02-13, 09:08
wich skin? I have noticed this error only with "Magic". With "Magic-HD" did not occur, the error.

02-02-13, 09:31
wich skin? I have noticed this error only with "Magic". With "Magic-HD" did not occur, the error.

Thats a Valid point. I use the ViX HD day and Night skins on all my boxes and have had no issues with the red button on any of them.

02-02-13, 09:56
I reloaded clean new image.
Worked, solved issue.:thumbsup:

02-02-13, 10:01
nice to see you finally got there in the end. dont forget to make a backup just in case.

02-02-13, 11:02
Will do mate :-).

02-02-13, 20:51
Nothing works for me, I tried everything, installed 589 and did not restore settings, tried again and restored settings, I than did the same with 596 but no changes. I did not install any plugins myself but some plugins are there by default when you flash new image, and by the way I am using Vix Night HD skin, tried two three other skins also. Glad to hear that Tyler resolved his issue though.

Rob van der Does
02-02-13, 21:08
Nothing works for me, I tried everything, installed 589 and did not restore settings, tried again and restored settings, I than did the same with 596 but no changes. I did not install any plugins myself but some plugins are there by default when you flash new image, and by the way I am using Vix Night HD skin, tried two three other skins also. Glad to hear that Tyler resolved his issue though.
Your R/C is OK (i.e. does the red button works in other screens)?

02-02-13, 21:22
Your R/C is OK (i.e. does the red button works in other screens)?

Yes, and actually I was trying all sort of things just now with the remote and noticed that if I go to Bouquets and click on a channel the red button works (single epg)!

02-02-13, 21:26
But still not working (as it always was before) when you click satellites - services - channel.

02-02-13, 21:36
I reloaded image only did not load setting.
Do factory reset, download sat softcam etc and then it worked.
If you update software it will not work.
Please don't update

02-02-13, 21:40
I already did that Tyler, but are you saying to do a factory reset after reloading the image or before? Thanks

02-02-13, 21:55
Sorry was putting child to bed.
Just load the image don't use the back up or restore.
If you do it will not work.
Load sattlite and softcams etc.
Do not do an online update or you will continue to have the same problem.
Try this as it worked for me.
Hope it solves it for you.

02-02-13, 22:02
Will try now, I will let know how it went, thanks for your help mate.

02-02-13, 22:08
Your welcome mate :thumbsup:

03-02-13, 01:24
Unfortunately the red button still not working for me after I tried all sort of things. Don’t know what else to do. :(

03-02-13, 01:31
Unfortunately the red button still not working for me after I tried all sort of things. Don’t know what else to do. :(

so, what happens when you press red button now? please upload a screenshot of the resulting screen, box, image & build number.

03-02-13, 02:09
Here you are judge.2323623237

03-02-13, 02:32
what bouquets are you using?

03-02-13, 02:35
what bouquets are you using?

SGTFipflop bouquets.

Rob van der Does
03-02-13, 07:48
Here you are judge.

23236 23237

Ah, as your screenie clearly shows: the 'red button' works perfect! It brings up your channel list as it's supposed to do.

And now at last we see the real problem: you have no EPG-data for that channel. So it would have been a good question to ask why that's the case instead of suggesting that the red button doesn't work :confused:

Do you have EIT-EPG enabled?

03-02-13, 12:36
Maybe my thread title is misleading but I clarified in my second post that there is no single epg showing when pressing a red button, also Tyler in a third post claimed that it had the same problem, and yes EIT-EPG is enabled.

Rob van der Does
03-02-13, 17:05
Maybe my thread title is misleading but I clarified in my second post that there is no single epg showing when pressing a red button, also Tyler in a third post claimed that it had the same problem, and yes EIT-EPG is enabled.
Well, this is more then a little misleading. And the other posts didn't clarify this either :rolleyes:
Please learn to explain properly what the problem is that you have: our crystal ball has fallen apart weeks ago.
This whole thread turns out to be a time waster first class. We really have better thing to do :mad:

03-02-13, 19:59
Sorry to waste your time mate, that was not my intention and I think second post explains everything but I guess we disagree on that, but never mind. My issue still remains and thanks god for other users that are willing to help.

Rob van der Does
03-02-13, 20:05
I would open a new thread: with this title you'll get nowhere.

Something like 'No EPG populating' or so.

04-02-13, 00:40
Well I finally managed to solve my problem, but only after flashing 539 version of the image! :)

Rob van der Does
04-02-13, 06:03
Well I finally managed to solve my problem, but only after flashing 539 version of the image! :)
Why flashed an old image?

04-02-13, 12:07
Because single epg was not working when pressing a red button on 587, 589, 596, so I thought I try an old image and that did the trick. I can see there is new version 600 available so I may try that.

Rob van der Does
04-02-13, 12:24
Because single epg was not working when pressing a red button on 587, 589, 596, so I thought I try an old image and that did the trick. I can see there is new version 600 available so I may try that.
Sorry to say, but that's no way to address an issue.
What did you try to get EPG showing up?
Use Rytec?
Use Cross?
See in other EPG's (such as graphical) if any EPG shows up?
Check the size and date of epg.dat?
Anything else I forget to ask?

04-02-13, 12:33
The Problem is the Magic skin, and not the EPG data! I dont no whether other skins are affected, but in Magic-HD the EPG data show in singleEPG with RedButton.

04-02-13, 12:42
Sorry to say, but that's no way to address an issue.
What did you try to get EPG showing up?
Use Rytec?
Use Cross?
See in other EPG's (such as graphical) if any EPG shows up?
Check the size and date of epg.dat?
Anything else I forget to ask?

I use Rytec, graphical epg is working fine, epg date is 3.02.2013 and the epg size is 4.341 KB

04-02-13, 12:43
The Problem is the Magic skin, and not the EPG data! I dont no whether other skins are affected, but in Magic-HD the EPG data show in singleEPG with RedButton.

I use Vix Night HD skin and also tried other skins but the issue remained on newer images

Rob van der Does
04-02-13, 13:12
The Problem is the Magic skin, and not the EPG data! I dont no whether other skins are affected, but in Magic-HD the EPG data show in singleEPG with RedButton.
I have no idea why you think that, but I can assure you there's no such problem with any of the ViX-skins. And please, please, stop saying 'red button' as there's no relation with any button at all.

04-02-13, 21:35
I updated the box tonight to version 600 and the issue returned I than flashed back 539 and won’t be fiddling with it any longer as I had enough of flashing images for a while.

05-02-13, 02:17
Ya mate.
I updated to latest and lost epg also.
That's why I said to use older image.
I also went back.

05-02-13, 02:22
Going back will never help get your issues fixed guys.
Detailed & correct explanations along with debug logs will.

05-02-13, 12:57
Going back will never help get your issues fixed guys.
Detailed & correct explanations along with debug logs will.

The problem is that there are no debug logs mate as there are no crashes or anything like that, if you simply want to see a single epg for a channel you watching by pressing a red button all you see is black screen with box on to right corner showing that channel. 23322

05-02-13, 12:58
The problem is that there are no debug logs mate as there are no crashes or anything like that, if you simply want to see a single epg for a channel you watching by pressing a red button all you see is black screen with box on to right corner showing that channel. 23322

turn on Debug logs in Logs settings, and give me the log.

Rob van der Does
05-02-13, 13:08
I changed the title of the thread to reflect the contents.

05-02-13, 13:17
Now I haven't read full thread so please don't flame me.

But have you tried killing enigma, in Telnet "init 4". ftp'ing to box and deleting you're epg.dat file.
Then restart enigma and download you're epg again.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

05-02-13, 13:21
turn on Debug logs in Logs settings, and give me the log.

The debug log is turned on but there are no logs!

05-02-13, 13:23
Now I haven't read full thread so please don't flame me.

But have you tried killing enigma, in Telnet "init 4". ftp'ing to box and deleting you're epg.dat file.
Then restart enigma and download you're epg again.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

Thanks for that, I will try it once I come back home as I have an appointment now.

05-02-13, 18:27
Came back home and immediately installed the 600 version, tried to Telnet init 4 but it says "not found", anyway I deleted epg.dat file scanned for new epg but still the problem remains, I than checked the hard drive for logs and strangle enough there were two logs even though I did not have any crashes whatsoever. Here are the logs and I will appreciate if anyone looks at them.

05-02-13, 19:04
Don't understand how you can get "not found" response from an init 4 command in telnet, maybe a mod could explain.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

05-02-13, 19:09
Just tried it and........
What I think you've done is typed init 4. Incorrect.
Did you put the space in between init and 4.
Because if you don't that's when "not found"appears.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

05-02-13, 19:11
I tried once again and it worked, but now my receiver lcd shows Vu+Duo and nothing else shows, remote is not responsive!:confused:

05-02-13, 19:16
I tried once again and it worked, but now my receiver lcd shows Vu+Duo and nothing else shows, remote is not responsive!:confused:

ok let me clear this up for you.

init 4 puts enigma to sleep, this is a required step when dealing with live files such as the EPG.dat otherwise they will be regenerated with their previous faults intact. once you have put enigma to sleep and carried out the work you needed to do, you need to reawaken enigma, this is done with the init 3 command which will trigger a Enigma restart.

so to recap

init 4

delete the EPG.dat file.

init 3

when the box reboots re-download the EPG as normal.

05-02-13, 19:17
Cheers Phoenix, you've got a better way with words than me.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

05-02-13, 19:21
Cheers Phoenix, you've got a better way with words than me.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

LOL no worries, my 17.7 K post count may have something to do with that plus the fact that i'm a natural gob shite.

05-02-13, 19:22
Any chance that you can check the crash logs on post #70 phoenix?

05-02-13, 19:26
unfortunately crashlogs are not really my strong point ( they may as well be in Greek for all the sense they make to me ).

The best thing i find is always upload them twice, By this i mean upload a copy to the forum as you have and upload another copy directly from your receiver using the logs manager, this way andy get a copy directly and does not need to trawl through the forum looking for them.

05-02-13, 19:35
Thank you phoenix will do that, in a meantime I downloaded the epg again and I can say that my issue still remains unfortunately.

05-02-13, 19:40
Any chance that you can check the crash logs on post #70 phoenix?

neither of those are crash logs, that's why you didn't see any crash.
Both are debug logs & one contains an awful lot of Unknown channel:...
What are your EPG requirements? what sats do you need & how are you currently downloading it?

Pot up some screenshots.

05-02-13, 19:49
I always used Rytec for my epg and never had any problems in fact I only have problem with new images while the old ones work fine for me and also the graphic epg works fine only single epg when pressing red button doesn’t.

05-02-13, 19:52
Try using CrossEPG with the OpenTV sources as this is downloaded directly from the satellite it self, This is the method by which i get all my EPG data for sky uk on all my boxes and i never have problems with it.

05-02-13, 19:56
Try using CrossEPG with the OpenTV sources as this is downloaded directly from the satellite it self, This is the method by which i get all my EPG data for sky uk on all my boxes and i never have problems with it.

Same here

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

05-02-13, 20:02
Thanks for suggestions, will try latter.

Rob van der Does
05-02-13, 20:24
Unknown channels points in the direction of channel list problems.
Please test by downloading a settings file from the feeds, restart Enigima and do an EPG-import.

05-02-13, 21:24
Mate that's what I use but it makes no difference as the problem is still there.

I always used Rytec for my epg and never had any problems in fact I only have problem with new images while the old ones work fine for me and also the graphic epg works fine only single epg when pressing red button doesn’t.

05-02-13, 21:26
Ment to send last message with this quote.

I use crossepg but the problem is still there

Try using CrossEPG with the OpenTV sources as this is downloaded directly from the satellite it self, This is the method by which i get all my EPG data for sky uk on all my boxes and i never have problems with it.

05-02-13, 21:43
Well I downloaded a settings file from the feeds restarted Enigma and did an EPG-import and also tried crossepg but the issue remains, I can get graphic epg but single epg is not loading for me.

Rob van der Does
05-02-13, 22:20
but single epg is not loading for me.
On which channel(s)?

05-02-13, 22:22
On which channel(s)?

On all channels.

Rob van der Does
06-02-13, 07:12
So: you flash an image (latest build), restore no settings, install a settings file from the feeds, do an EPG import, and the result is that EPG shows in Graphical EPG and not in single-channel-EPG?
Then I'm completely lost.

06-02-13, 09:26
just an idea have you disabled EIT-EPG? Perhaps you got your EPG bus some channel make a mess with EIT data.


06-02-13, 13:44
just an idea have you disabled EIT-EPG? Perhaps you got your EPG bus some channel make a mess with EIT data.


No, EIT-EPG is enabled.

06-02-13, 17:39
Installed latest VTI image and latest Blackhole image and on both the single epg was working, now back to VIX again (It was like coming back home) and hopefully someone would find a solution to this. It is strange that single epg loads on older Vix images but not on newer image versions.:confused:

Rob van der Does
06-02-13, 17:42
What is even more strange is that no one is able to reproduce any problem in this area.

06-02-13, 17:45
What is even more strange is that no one is able to reproduce any problem in this area.

That is even more puzzling.

06-02-13, 17:49
What is even more strange is that no one is able to reproduce any problem in this area.

Sorry i can reproduce, but only with Skin Magic. With Magic-HD is ok.

06-02-13, 18:10
Sorry i can reproduce, but only with Skin Magic. With Magic-HD is ok.

Your post gave me an idea to try other skins but after trying four other skins the issue remains unfortunately.

06-02-13, 18:27
Once again, what sats do you need EPG for & what sources are you currently using?

06-02-13, 18:29
as judge has asked please provide a detailed run down of your current EPG requirements and setup, without this info we are just going around in circles and that helps no one.

Rob van der Does
06-02-13, 18:30
Sorry to say, but this is going nowhere. We have now 100 posts, and still no useful info at all.

06-02-13, 18:33
Sorry guys by all means you can close this thread if you wish.

06-02-13, 18:36
Sorry guys by all means you can close this thread if you wish.

we would rather try to get to the route cause of your problem than dismiss the thread. however we need you to provide us with accurate and detailed information such as the exact setup of you EPG otherwise we are simply guessing and that will help non one at all.

06-02-13, 18:45
As I said before I use and always used Rytec as a source and sat I use is 28.2E, by the way I tried also CrossEPG but the problem remained. Thanks

06-02-13, 18:49
As I said before I use and always used Rytec as a source and sat I use is 28.2E, by the way I tried also CrossEPG but the problem remained. Thanks

yes but we still need your exact setup details so that we can try to replicate them.

06-02-13, 18:50
Sorry but what do you mean by exact setup?

06-02-13, 18:54
Sorry but what do you mean by exact setup?

Exactly how have you setup the EPG for example i have never used Rytek so i have no idea what options are available when setting this EPG source up. also what if any plugins have you installed as they could be having a impact on things.

It does not really matter if you think it unimportant but we need details as there are frankly a unlimited amount of setup options on the Enigma2 platform and we would need to be able to set our systems up to mirror yours so that we can try to replicate your results.

06-02-13, 19:23
Here are some screenshots, hope this helps you.

06-02-13, 19:41
So, why do you want the thread closed now, is your issue fixed? if so, how did you fix it?
Also, if you only use 28.2E, which you were asked 'what sats are you using' a few times... why do the debug logs you uploaded show downloads of multiple sats?

06-02-13, 19:51
I wanted thread to be closed because even Rob said "Sorry to say, but this is going nowhere. We have now 100 posts, and still no useful info at all.” no the issue is not fixed, the debug logs are from yesterday I believe and from this morning I am using a only one satellite 28.2 as stated. And this is the truth.

06-02-13, 19:56
I will now install version 539 of the image as single epg works for me on that as this is really going on nowhere, and I am sure you guys have an enough on your plate and more important things to do. Thank you to all of you who tried to help me to try to resolve my issue.

06-02-13, 20:38
Just tried with those 2 sources here & no problems with red button on build 600.
Not sure if both are needed though, 71868 events imported...
Rytec UK XMLTV should be enough as far as I'm aware, 71675 events.
Rytec UK BBCiXMLTV on its own = 193 events.

06-02-13, 21:09
I can also say that I have the same problem as sale22.
I only use crossepg on build 600.
I do not get epg when I press the red button.
If I revert back to the old image as sale22 says it solves the problem.

I also reverted back as I have tried to fix it without any luck.
There is a problem but I can't find a solution and just gave up as it was taking to much time.

Just tried with those 2 sources here & no problems with red button on build 600.
Not sure if both are needed though, 71868 events imported...
Rytec UK XMLTV should be enough as far as I'm aware, 71675 events.
Rytec UK BBCiXMLTV on its own = 193 events.

Rob van der Does
06-02-13, 21:26
The unexplainable thing is, that apparently G-EPG shows the data, and single-EPG not.

06-02-13, 22:29
Ya. I can't figure it out mate

15-02-13, 12:02
Add me to the list ,
I came home from holiday and updated to 600 epg is fine on multi channels ,but on the single epg for any channel nothing but black empty screen withjust the preview window .tried alsorts of configs but no joy ,reverted to flash back to the earlier build and all was well everything works fine, so online upgrade again to latest build and same problem,I tried all day yesterday and left it alone to seek advice .
other thing with me is that after updating to 600 the green blinking light is still there after the upgrade although no update is available when selected .
I am going to have another go from a factory reset when I get in from work hopefully we can sort it between us

15-02-13, 16:50
after further experiments it is all ok on earlier build on both global and single channel epg ,upgrade to build 600 and that is also all ok but only with the default channel list/setting ,
the problem manifests when a channel settings list is put in ,no matter which cats eye ,vhannibil ,or who ever , take the channel list out and single epg is back again.

seems like multi sat channel lists are preventing the single epg function from working on my box with build 600 ?

Rob van der Does
15-02-13, 16:58
seems like multi sat channel lists are preventing the single epg function from working on my box with build 600 ?
Nope: I'm using a multi-multi sat list without problems.

15-02-13, 17:36
Double checked and mine is fine on early build with what ever channel list I load ,but on upgrade to 600 I loose the single channel epg after loading a channel list !

factory re set is now not working it boots back up the same as before ?

its going from bad to worse

I am going to re flash early build from usb again and and get it running as the wife likes it(hopefully) then off to pub to chill ,I will try again over the weekend

15-02-13, 18:11
have you tried EPG WITHOUT loading a channel list? When you do not loose anything then the problem might be your channel list.


15-02-13, 18:13
have you tried EPG WITHOUT loading a channel list? When you do not loose anything then the problem might be your channel list.


Yes it is fine without importing a channel list ,as soon as I import anyones 600 goes tits up

16-02-13, 10:16
so the problem is not the EPG it is your channel list.


16-02-13, 10:48
so the problem is not the EPG it is your channel list.


Maybe ,just seems odd that the same channel lists put in the earlier image do not cause any issue just with build 600 !

16-02-13, 20:31
perhaps the drivers were changed and your channel list does not completely work with these driver. Have you tried a channel scan after you applied your list?


17-02-13, 13:54
perhaps the drivers were changed and your channel list does not completely work with these driver. Have you tried a channel scan after you applied your list?


Yes scanned several times no change , also edited a channel list down to 2 sats and still loose single epg .......going round to mates later to take a full back up from his box he has same config as me and has no problem .......its very frustrating

17-02-13, 18:48
what about creating your own channel list?


17-02-13, 21:42
what about creating your own channel list?

Going to try back up from friends tomorrow and see how that is ,i have it on usb ready to try just other half is watching so cant do just yet
create a channel list my self ? is that not the same as someone elses! seems as soon as anything other that what comes with the default image makes it g wrong

25-02-13, 03:13
I can also say that I have the same problem with single EPG on RED button.
STB is VU+ DUO. Flash from USB openvix-3.0.600-vuduo_usb.zip version. Setup HDMI, NET, one LNB and single SAT. Manual scan with network scan on. No restore or download something. EPG.DAT in FLASH by default. No other changes made in setup. While press EPG button Graphical EPG working. Then when long press the same (EPG) key the single EPG is working.
If I press DOWN key (in viewing mode) and then EPG button - the single EPG is Working!!!
But if I press RED button from viewing mode the same single EPG screen is blank, like other people describe here. No even channel name on top... And YES - older firmware working fine.
When press RED button the Single EPG don't receive the channel info, I think. No channel info - no EPG. :) Screenshots is the same for me.
Maybe this info can help us find the way...

Rob van der Does
25-02-13, 06:55
Maybe this info can help us find the way...
Problem is that no one in the ViX-team is able to reproduce this.

25-02-13, 09:28
EPG.DAT in FLASH by default.

EPG on flash on the DUO isn't the best of ideas.

Rob van der Does
25-02-13, 10:02
EPG on flash on the DUO isn't the best of ideas.
Indeed a very bad idea.......

26-02-13, 15:36
I have now sorted the issue out on my box .
I went into every folder and searched for anything that had anything to do with back up or epg data and then deleted it ,I then ractory re set the box ,
I re installed the early image and updated it straight away , I installed a full motor settings list and re booted ,
then I set up cross epg ,and cool epg , rebooted again ,
now single epg is listed on red button press .

26-02-13, 16:38
I have now sorted the issue out on my box .
I went into every folder and searched for anything that had anything to do with back up or epg data and then deleted it ,I then ractory re set the box ,
I re installed the early image and updated it straight away , I installed a full motor settings list and re booted ,
then I set up cross epg ,and cool epg , rebooted again ,
now single epg is listed on red button press .

CoolEPG is not exactly compatible with the ViX image. That in it self could have caused the problems.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Rob van der Does
26-02-13, 17:09
CoolEPG is not exactly compatible with the ViX image. That in it self could have caused the problems.
Several functions of Cool will even cause the box to crash......

26-02-13, 19:22
Hello Rob,

call the thing a spade. Dont use 3rd-party plugins in our image. :whistle:

26-02-13, 19:26
Hello Rob,

call the thing a spade. Dont use 3rd-party plugins in our image. :whistle:

No, that's not what he's saying at all.
Cool is known to be incompatible with ViX.

26-02-13, 19:27
Hello Rob,

call the thing a spade. Dont use 3rd-party plugins in our image. :whistle:

That is absolutely not the case here,

ViX has a very highly customized EPG built directly into the image, installing any Thirdparty EPG onto the image overwrites many of the files already in place and that causes problems. plus it has always been the case the CoolEPG is not compatible with the ViX image and the author knows this but for reasons that i wont go into again will not make his work ViX compatible.

To say that we are against Thirdparty plugins is not only false but legally Defamatory.

26-02-13, 19:34
Please do not misunderstand. :angel:

I say not that her are against Thirdparty plugins. but I meant that many are icompatibel and the authors not willing to adapt their plugins.
Vix is great without Plugins. :thumbsup:

26-02-13, 19:41
Please do not misunderstand. :angel:

I say not that her are against Thirdparty plugins. but I meant that many are icompatibel and the authors not willing to adapt their plugins.
Vix is great without Plugins. :thumbsup:

unfortunately many plugin creators have no interest in working with us or adapting their works for our image, so we build or own and where possible adapt existing plugins to work with our image ( where licencing allows ).

We tend to get a lot of flack from people as they believe we only create plugins to work on ViX but that is far from the truth, all of our works are publicly accessible via a Public GIT for any and all to use and adapt to their needs.


26-02-13, 19:46
how true!

Gruss lothar

26-02-13, 20:35
Oh dear I seem to have started a flurry of discontent .I am sorry I didnt mean to offend anyone ,I am truley happy with the vix image i did transfer from black hole as it ran without green screens , I am just a novice compared to most of you lot .its just that I had this issue and wanted to sort it .
just for the record previously the red button would not show single epg on the latest vix with or without the cool epg .
so I believe it was more to do with the bits of data left from previous versions affecting the new
I will try and pay a little more attention as to what the vix image and development is all about ,and hopefully keep my nose clean

26-02-13, 20:42
Oh dear I seem to have started a flurry of discontent .I am sorry I didnt mean to offend anyone ,I am truley happy with the vix image i did transfer from black hole as it ran without green screens , I am just a novice compared to most of you lot .its just that I had this issue and wanted to sort it .
just for the record previously the red button would not show single epg on the latest vix with or without the cool epg .
so I believe it was more to do with the bits of data left from previous versions affecting the new
I will try and pay a little more attention as to what the vix image and development is all about ,and hopefully keep my nose clean

you have not offended any one or caused any form of discontent, i was just pointing out why sometimes introducing Thirdparty plugins into the image can cause problems.

ViX while based on Pli is a Highly modified and updated image, It has pretty much been rebuilt from the ground up and this can cause some older plugins not to work well with the image any more. we are always more than happy to work with plugin developers when the need arises to ensure that plugins remain compatible but thats not always going to be possible.

25-03-13, 18:41
Decided to give OpenVIX 3.0 a try (have used OpenAAF1.0 for last year), and found this thread, as I am having similar problems to what OP reported. After reading all the posts in the thread, it looks like the issue still exists for some users, so I have done some tests with 2 different images and attached some debug logs to see if they can provide any further information.

Firstly must state that my stb is not a VU+ but a ClarkTrend ET9000, so if the mods feel it should be in a separate thread, feel free to move it.

Basically what I done was use the oldest and latest builds available on the download site ie: 545 and 632. Using each build I did a clean flash and configured as follows:-
- skipped settings restore and basic setup wizard
- configured n/w with static address
- configured tuner 1 with 7 lnbs and tuner 2 with 3 lnb (have T90 dish)
- configured EPG settings to use hdd and epg.dat file
- configured crossepg to download on tune, and download once a day
also updated providers and setup start order to be
rytec france xmltv (xepgdb repacked)
sky italia open tv
sky uk open tv
rytec germany/austria/swiss xepgdb repacked
- shutdown using deep standby, powered off, removed flash usb and inserted 8GB usb
- powered on and setup 32MB swap file on 8GB usb (probably not required!), and also configured timeshift location to write to 8GB usb
- switched off panic key (like using zero key for previous channel)
- downloaded my channel list using Dreamset
- checked to ensure that channels where being received
- checked that Single EPG was populated by pressing red button and also pressing Red button after pressing okay button
BLD545 - epg data displayed
BLD632 - empty screen
- checked that graphical epg was visible by pressing Guide button on rc
BLD545 - epg data displayed
BLD632 - epg data displayed
NOTE: my epg data already existed on the hdd from an earlier download
- went into logs setup and toggled debug logs on, and rebooted stb using restart menu option
- after restart, checked epg again
same results as above
- triggered a crossepg download and after completion, checked epg again
same results as above

These results are similar to what op encountered ie: pre build 600 seem to work. I also tried builds 589 and 627 but could not get Single EPG data to display.

I have attached the debug logs and also the channel list I used.

I build my channel list using Dreamset v2.36, and create a new channel list for the sats I use using the 'Internet Settings' option which gets its info from KingOfSat. For any channels I don't want to see I set the hide attribute, and I don't create any extra bouquets. I leave 'background scanning on' on the stb, and use Dreamset to read/edit/write back the channel list when new channels are found, or other things change.

Hope this info is of some use.


Double Tap
27-03-13, 13:40
you have not offended any one or caused any form of discontent, i was just pointing out why sometimes introducing Thirdparty plugins into the image can cause problems.

ViX while based on Pli is a Highly modified and updated image, It has pretty much been rebuilt from the ground up and this can cause some older plugins not to work well with the image any more. we are always more than happy to work with plugin developers when the need arises to ensure that plugins remain compatible but thats not always going to be possible.

hello could you list all the officially supported team vix plugins & software please. Plus could someone please post some screen shots of all the settings for a fully working vu+duo setup & what is the max number of days the epg can download in advance as some of my channels only have the next program listed.

Ho yes & when I get the 2nd info bar (telling me what the program is about) on top of the first channel info bar I can no longer scroll down to the next program info any help would be much appreciated :confused:

28-03-13, 06:38
hello could you list all the officially supported team vix plugins & software please. Plus could someone please post some screen shots of all the settings for a fully working vu+duo setup & what is the max number of days the epg can download in advance as some of my channels only have the next program listed.

Ho yes & when I get the 2nd info bar (telling me what the program is about) on top of the first channel info bar I can no longer scroll down to the next program info any help would be much appreciated :confused:

Generally all the plugins in the image feeds should be fine but if you find otherwise please let us know as for the EPG mine is updated every morning and always displays the full 7 days.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

11-04-13, 15:52
Latest image (3.0.649) solves this issue :thumbsup: Thank you to Tyler who first noticed this.

14-04-13, 09:39
I had this blank single EPG problem too. I was twiddling little a bit the source code and got the single EPG working.

I changed the second last line of EpgSelection.py from

EPGSelection.__init__(self, session, service, EPGtype)

EPGSelection.__init__(self, session, service, EPGtype=EPGtype)

It seems that EPGtype parameter was passed as 4th variable which isn't right.
I can only c++ and I'm guite a unfamiliar with Python. So, maybe some real developer from VIX team could check this?

19-04-13, 17:59
I had this blank single EPG problem too. I was twiddling little a bit the source code and got the single EPG working.

I changed the second last line of EpgSelection.py from

EPGSelection.__init__(self, session, service, EPGtype)

EPGSelection.__init__(self, session, service, EPGtype=EPGtype)

It seems that EPGtype parameter was passed as 4th variable which isn't right.
I can only c++ and I'm guite a unfamiliar with Python. So, maybe some real developer from VIX team could check this?

that code does not effect EPG opened via RED button, it only effect the epg screen opened within ChannelList (pressing PEG button when channel list is open)

19-04-13, 21:41
that code does not effect EPG opened via RED button, it only effect the epg screen opened within ChannelList (pressing PEG button when channel list is open)

OK, I see. I don't use red button for opening EPG. But I had single EPG blank when long pressing EPG button on graphical EPG, and this fixes that. So, should that change be applied anyway?

19-04-13, 23:23
OK, I see. I don't use red button for opening EPG. But I had single EPG blank when long pressing EPG button on graphical EPG, and this fixes that. So, should that change be applied anyway?

wlll be added into next build (650),
