View Full Version : updating Vix image?

31-01-13, 22:16
Have had my Vu Duo about 6 months and never updated the image, and wanted to check what is the process in updating it?


31-01-13, 22:18
Which build are you on?

If the bootloader has been updated, than just put the vuplus folder on the root of a usb stick and plug it in and turn on and off from rocker switch - make sure no other usb device is connected.

31-01-13, 22:23
Sorry how do you tell what build it is currently on?

31-01-13, 22:24

31-01-13, 22:24
Version 3.0
build 268

31-01-13, 22:26
Just go to the download section and download and install the latest VIX image.

Backup your important first, filed IIRC you cannot do a settings backup from that build to the latest.

31-01-13, 22:28
i take it then i will have to reset up softcam again or is their an easy way to restore settings?

I take it I wont loose previous recordings in custom locations?

31-01-13, 22:48
make a settings backup.

Blue button> ViX> Backup manager. you can use this to restore your settings once the new image is flashed. and no you wont loose your recordings.

31-01-13, 22:57
great thanks everyone. going to give it a go now.

31-01-13, 23:36
Guys, something has gone badly wrong. what I did

- Put the latest build onto USB pen and removed other USB from drive
- Put USB with latest build into duo and started and it went through the install and all went ok.
- it then restarted and asked me that if I wanted to restore backup settings, which I said yes.
- then it automatically updated airplayer and plugins. all was going well , then when I rebooted when it asked.

- it stuck on starting and I restarted a couple of times and got the blue screen but still stuck on starting.
- now when restarting there is just the red light on the front with no writing ont he display.

REALLY REALLy could do with some advise!!!

31-01-13, 23:42
Re-flash again & don't restore settings/plugins.

31-01-13, 23:49
have rebooted, plug out left it for a while and now starting up but weird one now - there is two white broken lines down each side and long the bottom.

Have restarted a few times including TV but cant get rid of white lines????

01-02-13, 12:59
have rebooted, plug out left it for a while and now starting up but weird one now - there is two white broken lines down each side and long the bottom.

Have restarted a few times including TV but cant get rid of white lines????

I don't think there is anything wrong here, I am sure all you need to do is the reconfigure your screen, go to menu/setup/system/user interface/position set up, and adjust your screen size, or see if you can turn off your overscan on your TV.

01-02-13, 13:21
I had the same problem, i had previously resized the user interface position so that its was about 95% i.e. reduce width and height and offset the top and left. This had been fine for the version prior to the update where you had to flash from usb.

Initial screen after booting was fine but after going into EPG it left a border

I just reset the screen position to the defaults and it resolved the problem.