View Full Version : [VU+ Uno] HELP Problems after update 2.3 to 3.0

31-01-13, 16:52
After having the box bricked up with vix 2.3 I decided to flash it to 3.0.262

I was surprised that after successfully finishing the installation the box suggested to put back my settings and plugins although on the release note was stated that this will not be possible:eek:

Now when I am watching for aproxx 20 minutes or so the box crashes and re-boots opening the first channel on the active bouquet without displaying only picture but no sound:mad: shifting to different channel forth an back brings back the sound.
Also when I am trying to shut it down I get prompted that there are 34180 tasks running on the background and if I really want to switch off.

Anybody any clue what to do about this?

thnx for any help....

31-01-13, 16:57
You shouldn't restore a settings back up from 2.3 to 3.x
Also build 262 is a bit old now...
Grab the latest version from http://openvix.co.uk & reflash without restoring settings.

31-01-13, 17:00

since VIX 3.0.3xx have varius problems with 3rd party plugins!

Install Vix clean without restore backups. Then install your plugins one at a time and Test. Note, also affected plugins are on the feed!

Alternativ use VIX 3.0.204, but this Build comes without HbbTV!

31-01-13, 17:11
Was afraid that the restore will not be smart. But I was thinking that 3.0.x was supposed to be a stable version? or is that just without using any 3rd party plugins?

31-01-13, 17:28
3 is stable, grab build 589, latest currently available on the download site i mentioned earlier.

31-01-13, 17:33
Without Plugins it is stable. :cool:

Plugins i found which does not function correctly

Multiquickbutton (in mediaplayer no funktion)
MultiEPG (in mediaplayer bad funktion)
autoshutdown (broken recordings in standby)
mediainfo (in mediaplayer crash the Box)
TV-Spielfilm (crash set Timers)

31-01-13, 17:33
3 is stable, grab build 589, latest currently available on the download site i mentioned earlier.

So with that version there are no plugin issues anymore?
I'm almost not using any plugins anyway, the most important is oscam5953 that I use to be able record multiple channels on the uno; I'm a simple user....

31-01-13, 17:37
So with that version there are no plugin issues anymore?
I'm almost not using any plugins anyway, the most important is oscam5953 that I use to be able record multiple channels on the uno; I'm a simple user....

I wouldn't worry about plugin issues.
If you install any that you find to be incompatible, just let us know.

31-01-13, 17:44
I wouldn't worry about plugin issues.
If you install any that you find to be incompatible, just let us know.

Ok I'l give it a go and let you know if anything wrong.

31-01-13, 19:29
What I am finding quite mind boggling is that the program suggests to put back the settings although you warning on this forum yourself to not do such a thing ? it is not detecting what version your backup data is from?

31-01-13, 19:34
Was afraid that the restore will not be smart. But I was thinking that 3.0.x was supposed to be a stable version? or is that just without using any plugins?

No disrespect but we advised against using a backup for a reason, if you then decided to go ahead and use it any way thats your fault and you can not blame us for it. so much has changed in the core of the image from ViX 2.3 to ViX 3.0 that restoring a backup will break certain core features such as the FTP protocol.

01-02-13, 21:29
MultiEPG (in mediaplayer bad funktion) fixed since 596 :thumbsup:
TV-Spielfilm (crash set Timers) fixed by me, please PM if needed