View Full Version : taking long time to change/open channel

mark T
31-01-13, 12:15
Hi, my Duo takes about 5 secs after I press the button to change channel, if its going to a new channel or back to a channel Ive just come from. If this was a laptop or pc it could be diagnosed as a cpu problem. This happens on all sats not just 28. Another thing is that I have a wide signal strength on channels on 28 going from about 64% upto 96% depending what channel im on. Any ideas anybody? Thanks

Mr. Mister
31-01-13, 12:33
Do you have picons installed.. ??

Also.. If yes.. Do you have them stored on your HDD.. ??

Again.. If Yes.. Delete from HDD.. and either put them in flash.. or usb stick..

31-01-13, 13:52
i had same problem and i wanted to install picons on my USB but picons offer me to install them in HDD or in flash . how to save them in USB ?
EPG are stored fine on USB and mount manager can see my HDD and my USB with no problem

31-01-13, 14:15
ftp to the usb drive and manually install them there on unplug it and plug it into you computer and install them from the computer. make a folder called picon and dump them all into that

mark T
31-01-13, 18:55
Iam a real newbie doing this. What are picons. I have no HHD fitted in the stb but Ihave stored the EPG to a usb stick. Thats works well but this last few days its takes secs to open when I change channel but when I change sta and go back to 28 it takes 10-15 minutes to reopen