View Full Version : VU+ SOLO, Lip Sync Problem After Installing External HDD

29-01-13, 22:46
Hello All,

I have a very, very strange problem.

I did not have "lip sync" problems on my VU Solo before, not that I had noticed anyway but since installing an External Hard drive yesterday, 1TB Iomega Drive (I did not have problems with this drive before either, so do not believe the drive is "faulty") I have a very bad Lip Sync problem. Has anyone experienced this before?

My TV settings have not been changed, they are at "Factory" set and I have not messed around with the Sound on my VU box either.

I have checked this thread: http://www.world-of-satellite.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20289&d=1350590734 and the settings are exactly the same . . . .

Any suggestions or help please?? The TV is becoming very unwatchable!!