View Full Version : 10 mins to boot?

28-01-13, 22:20
Got an et9000 that takes 10 mins to boot, vix 2.4. Any ideas?


28-01-13, 22:25
Try ViX 3.x...

28-01-13, 22:41
Not really an option as vix 3.x... Suffers from sound skipping on mkv's. Doesn't really address the problem either, i mean why would a box take that long to boot?


28-01-13, 22:44
no idea, but you are using old unsupported builds...
what was the last 3.x build you tried?

29-01-13, 00:31
More or less when 3 was first released. I will give 3 a go.


29-01-13, 00:39
do, grab the latest version for your box from http://openvix.co.uk & report back.

29-01-13, 00:42
as judge says ViX 2.3 is now a discontinued image and as a result we cant really offer any in depth technical help due to there no longer being a Build Git for this image, hence no chance of any fixes being released when problems arise.

29-01-13, 18:21
Same for 2.4 i assume?

29-01-13, 18:27
Same for 2.4 i assume?

yes pretty much.

Once we move onto a new revision we abandon the older one, we are only a small amateur dev team and we dont have the manpower to operate, update and maintain several revisions of the Image. we move onto the newer one and concentrate all our efforts there.

you can still use any of the older images as you like but when things go wrong and they will, we wont be able to offer any real technical support, this is not a snub to those on older images or a ploy to get users using the newer images, it's simply about the best way to disperse our limited resources.