View Full Version : Open Letter to the BPI, FACT and Department for Culture, Media and Sport

27-01-13, 21:24
Hello All,

I am thinking of sending an open letter to the above organisations in a hope to do something, poke, hope in all hopes to show that the music industry and laws in this country are wrong

I have put some points before I draft it into a full on proper letter - what do you think - any points to add?


I feel that the laws in Great Britain have been changed to the detriment of the consumer and I feel that the powers behind the music industry are not focusing on the the technology to protect themselves, rather being extremely heavy handed with consumers. Why do I think this, well below are some issues that I have with the music industry and general copyright law.

Traditional forms of entertainment (CD's, Vinyl records, Cassettes, Books etc)

If I was to purchase a physical product of either of the examples above, I would be legally entitled to make a backup of the product, i.e. reproduce the physical form into digital form without any infringement. HOwever, if I was to sell the original physical form, I would not be breaking any laws, or infringing on copyright. However, if I was to re-sell the digital form I would supposedly be in contravention of copyright laws - Why?

There are some technicalities around the issues of copyright law,

If I re-sold the original copy and had a backed up digital copy - would I have to delete the digital copy?

If the person I am selling to wishes to have the digital copy rather than hard copy and I resell the digital copy, but destroy the original hard copy - is this infringin on copyright law?

Downloading Music using Torrents

If I purchased a copy of the Adele CD (21) and rather than make my own digital backup I was to download a copy that was made available by someone else who was better at the process than myself - does this infringe copyright, SOPA or any other alternative in the EU? If so, why does it?

Prevention of stealing music?

The music industry should come together to dicsuss, agree and implement a standard that applies in all forms of digital entertainment, and make the rules of copyright easier to understand with publication to the masses. The technology is out there to prevent the stealing of digital media, but is not implemented. Also, if we purchase music from a source for a certain product (Apple, Zune etc) it should be easily transferable to each other digital format that we have in our homes, as we have legally purchased the item and the balance of power should be with the consumer. The production industry needs to agree specific & standard formats for us the end user - some of whom are not technically savvy.

why cannot it not be correct that I purchase a CD from I-tunes, it should be in a standard format that can be trnasferred to my MP3 player?

Who will answer the questions

If I purchase a CD, can I back it up, do I have to make the backup, can I download a backup, why am I breaking the law, what law is being broken?