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View Full Version : how to activate Picsons

24-09-10, 09:05
Can someone give me a quick guide in how i install Picons and activate them, i am using the VIX image with the cool EPG.

24-09-10, 10:25
well fairly easy:

1.download all your needed picons from the forum here into one folder you create called "picon".
2.Now, depending on your demands that folder goes to your hdd or your usb stick. (that is in ftp media/hdd or media/usb)
3. On your ViX-Image OSD: Settings-> Vu HD+ -> Skin Settings: "Choose picon location" : select according to your folder location: flash, hdd, usb

24-09-10, 10:27
thank you i will give it a go

24-09-10, 10:40
let me know otherwise we'll procede until you get it working...

24-09-10, 10:45
hi, did what you said but i cant see the picons on the channels.

anything i need to activate them?

I put them in a folder on media/hdd/picon

24-09-10, 10:48
hi, did what you said but i cant see the picons on the channels.

anything i need to activate them?

I put them in a folder on media/hdd/picon

I wouldn't recommned putting them on your HDD, you'll find that is could slow things down as your HDD would need to spin up everytime a picon needs to be displayed.

24-09-10, 10:49
but they would still show, just want to make sure its working. but i cant see them on a channel or on the cool EPG?

24-09-10, 10:51
but they would still show, just want to make sure its working. but i cant see them on a channel or on the cool EPG?

Yes they would show. Have you done what soulmate suggested? Once you've ftp'ed the picons you may need to reboot the receiver.

24-09-10, 10:51
i did reboot

24-09-10, 10:53
chmod the folder to "755" and the files inside to "644".

24-09-10, 10:54
What picon set did you FTP to the Duo?

24-09-10, 10:56
sorry soulmate, i didnt fully understand that.

Can you tell me step by step

24-09-10, 10:58
Piconvu, if you have a better one please send to me

24-09-10, 11:03
Did you extract all the picons and ftp them directly into /media/hdd/picon ??

24-09-10, 11:05
i did and they are showing there in media/hdd/picon

24-09-10, 11:07
Well I was too slow. I'll leave the orginal posting however:

Sorry, I actually thought my instructions were step-by-step.
Get those picons (http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?2218-Full-SKYUK-Picons-Addon-10-Aug-2010-LIKVID) if you have 28,2°.
Otherwise have a look at the general picons section (http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?35-Picons)and get the ones you need.

I would rather not use the picons on your hdd, unless you don't have a usb device.

24-09-10, 11:13
ahh found out the problem they are showing up on the sly bouquet channels but as these channels are greyed for me i cant use them.

I am only able to view on "All" and in there the picons are not shown/

24-09-10, 11:24
why are those channels greyed out? Have you checked your dish setup? Or don't you have that satellite position?

24-09-10, 11:28
my tuners are both set to Astra 28,2 but i cant view the access the sly bouquets. very annoying

24-09-10, 11:35
are the tuners enabled? Found the receiver sometimes drops them after a restart.

24-09-10, 11:39
they are because i would be able to watch tv using All channels. Its just the sly bouquet thats greyed out, so i am unable to press 101 and access bbc1 etc

24-09-10, 12:11
so in order to fully understand: is it normal that you can't tune on the sky channels in your area. I know that e.g. in South Western Germany you won't be able to tune on the bbc channels- you simply won't get them. If you are in the UK you should be able to at least get them. Of course as they are encrypted and you don't have a card, you will not be able to wtach them. Is that what you mean?

24-09-10, 12:31
no this is not what i mean. I am abe to view all the channels on the astra 28,2 satellite.
But when i add sly bouquets channel list it is greyed out and i cant access the sky uk channel numbers.

So i can only watch by scrolling through all the channels.

24-09-10, 13:58
have you considered editing your bouquets with e.g. DreamboxEdit (http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?2448-DreamBoxEdit-IHAD-Edition-

24-09-10, 15:32
i have already dumped bouquet using dreambox edit and i get same problem. Even though all the files are shown int he relavent directories

24-09-10, 15:43
well then I must say I can't really help you even though I wish I could. I simply don't know and I actually don't get the complete picture of what causes your problem. There are no channels greyed out i my list. If they are, I update my settings either via DBE with new bouquet settings or do a rescan of the transponder/satellite position...

24-09-10, 15:57
thanks for your help

24-09-10, 19:12
Sorry if I am repeating something already covered as this thread is 3 pages long.

I have had channels greyed out when loading new bouquets and a rescan as always sorted the problem out, it has happende donly on HD channels though.

25-09-10, 09:18
thanks for your help

Have you got permanent time shift on?