View Full Version : Using timerto record - few questions.

24-09-10, 06:22
OK guys I am having this problem.

I am only using one lnb input which gives me 13, 28, 4.8 and 19. So I am not using dual.

Now when I am on 28 , lets say sky sports 1.

I open the timer, I browse the epg and I want to add a timer entry for recording by pressing green button.

I set a time to record something from sky sports 3.

Now I noticed when the recording time starts, the channel does not get changed to sky sports 3, but I am always on the channel where I left it.

So basically I tried few times, being on another channel and recording a channel on which I am not.

After recording the video sat pid not found error...

So my question is like on dreambox, when you add a timer why doesnt the cahnnel CHANGE to that actual cahnnel and then record it, instead of recording the cahnnel in the background?

24-09-10, 06:39
I'm pretty sure that if the channel that your recording is on the same transponder as the one that your watching it wont change channel.

Try for instance setting a timer on sly sports 1, but watching BBC1.

24-09-10, 06:41
I will try and get back in this thread with an update.

24-09-10, 14:42
OK this is pretty annoying.

I am leaving for work, and I plan to record some random stuff at diff times.

My plan was just to start infinite record or set record time to 8 hours.

and then just use webinterface to change channels and stuff, and whatever that comes on tv just gets recorded.

but vu+ duo doesnt do that, if I change channel, it "tries" only to record the channel from which I started recording.

Is it possible to change its behaviour so it records the CHANNEL that is "on", so if I change sky sporst 1 to sky sports 3 then it starts recording that

24-09-10, 15:10
no! your only option is to stop the recording change channels and start recording

or set up mutiple recordings, don't know how many you can achieve.

24-09-10, 15:26
^ eww that sucks, I know I can start a recording from the webinterface by pressing that round red button on to pright, but how do I stop it?

So that means I have to stop it, then change channel then record again?

Reason why I am asking is this because when I am at work I just tkeep changing channels from the web interface, amd when I get home I can play that long recorded file.

Sucks! :-/

24-09-10, 15:37
Well you can try this, it records automaticly the channels you go to.

24-09-10, 15:59
Well you can try this, it records automaticly the channels you go to.

What's the difference between this and the permanent timeshift plugin?!

24-09-10, 16:08
So what should I use ? the timeshift plugin or the plugin past2present posted? I am bit confused.

And if I manually have to install that .ipk plugin in my vix image how do I do that? where do I place the file in ftp ? and from where do I install it then.

Thanks : )

24-09-10, 16:46
Sorry, it has to be the permanent timeshift.
If you install a ipk, just put it in /tmp
Then with telnet
cd /tmp
ipkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-permanenttimeshift_1.0.0-rc24_mipsel.ipk

But it`s always your choiche what to use or try.

24-09-10, 17:32
Permanent Timeshift is already installed in the VIX image so no need to add that

24-09-10, 23:01
OK , thanks all. >Going to try it now in few seconds : )

24-09-10, 23:28
Permanent Timeshift is already installed in the VIX image so no need to add that

OK sorry but how do I use it? I went to plugins in vix, and I dont see it anywhere. I dont see it as installed plugins too.

from where can I pick "perm timeshift..."???


24-09-10, 23:32
Menu>Setup>System>Timeshift Settings

24-09-10, 23:34
Ahh got it thanks.

There are so many settings for it.

I enabled the timeshift to "yes".

Should I leave other settings as they are?

24-09-10, 23:41
Yeah the only other one you might want to change to suit you is the "Timeshift Save Action on Zap"

24-09-10, 23:48

OK I tried to record sky sports1 but when i go to sky sports 2 it doesnt show and I can see the REC blinking in info, which means it is still trying to record the sky sports 1.

Here are the settings:

Permanent Timeshift Enable: YES
Permanent Timeshift Max Events: 05
Permanent Timeshift Max Length: 180
Permanent Timeshift Start Delay: 005
Timeshift save Action on Zap: save and stop
Stop Timeshift when recording? : yes
Show PTS infobar while timeshifting?: no

So what should I change the zap to? what option, and what about other fields? sigh.

25-09-10, 00:01
They have to be on the same transponder & i dont think those are

25-09-10, 01:38
ok this is pissing me off.

what if they are not on same transponder.


How can I just have record on, for any channel i turn to like from 28 to 19 or 13hotbird.

I want the record to change to the channel I change to.

Sigh! this is something I really want, as I am at work most of the time,and I change channels from there.

25-09-10, 08:46
It seems you are trying to do two different things as you cant record one program and then change to another and expect to either watch that or record that as you only have a single LNB as you have to stop the original recording first. The only way to overcome this is to fit a dual LNB.
Record & Timeshift are 2 different things.
Change in Permanent Timeshift the option "Timeshift-Save Action on Zap" to save and record
The way that works is that every time you change channel it will record for up to 180 mins unless you change channel (if you dont change channel it will start to overwrite the recording up to a max of 5 events)
If you control you box from work and change channels then, why cant you just complete two extra functions by stopping the original recording function and then pressing record when you change channel?
Your going to need one big HDD and more hours than you have off work to try and watch and seek out what you want to watch if you are recording indefinatly everyday. You obviously have nothing better to do at work allday if you can spend time constanly changing channels on your box so why dont you just pick each recording out and set up as timed recordings each day?

What you also have to remember is this box is designed around the fact that it has 2 tuners and assumes that everyone that uses it is running dual lnb's or 2 lnb's.